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Q: How much power does the US use of hydroelectricity?
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What are the 2 limitations hydroelectricity power in the US?

dont use alot and what happens if you have no water

What are the Good points of hydroelectricity?

what are use of hydroelectricity

What renewable energy provides the most for the us?

Wind power and hydroelectricity.

How much will hydroelectricity cost to use compared to the use of oil?

hydroelectriity costs 2 to 5 us cents and oil costs 100 dollars a barrel

What natural resources do Sweden use?

Biofuels and alot of hydroelectricity. Slowly we are backing off oils and coal thats imported to us and although we still use nuclear power, we are stopping it soon.

How many houses out of ten are powered by hydroelectricity in the United States of America?

About 10% of the US's electricity is hydro powered, so about 1 out of 10 homes is powered by hydroelectricity. But hydro power does account for 80% of renewable energy in the US.

Where is Hydroelectricity most commonly used?

It is mostly Used By Canada, US and Brazil Brazil= 10% Us=10% Canada=70% Canada uses the most hydro electric power in the world

Why does Australia us hydroelectricity as an energy source?

cos its meg...

Does the US use to much of nuclear Energy?

Cause they need power to power the country and make awesome warheads

How does electricity help us?

It can help us with light, some charges of electronic stuff, TV, microwave, and many things.

Why doesn't the US use hydroelectricity as a primary energy source?

Hydroelectricity's potential is limited by geographical constraints, environmental impacts, and competing land-use priorities. Additionally, there are concerns about the impact on ecosystems and the high costs of building and maintaining hydroelectric dams on a large scale. The US has a diverse energy mix that includes a combination of sources to meet its energy needs.

How much of nuclear power do you use in the US?

In the US, nuclear power provides about 20% of the total electricity generation, making it the largest source of low-carbon electricity. There are 93 commercial nuclear reactors operating in 28 states.