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A typical Nuclear power-plant with 1 Unit generates 3937 Megawatts Per Hour.

Fukushima Daiichi had 4 units.

So 3937 Megawatts Multiplied by 4 is 15,748 Megawatts Per Hour.

This is enough to power the whole of Vegas 58 Times.

A single Wind turbine can generate 2.5 M/W per day and that is if its on a land with a lot of water speed.

So we need 6299 Wind Turbines located at a place where its High, Has alot of waterfalls. That means you need approximately the Entire of Japan 40 Times over and that 40 times must be full of waterfalls to generate the power a single powerplant with 4 units generates.

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Q: How much land area would be covered by wind turbines to replace Fukushima?
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How much would it cost to replace Fukushima with wind turbines?

The cost is approximately 98.9 Billion U.S.D. A single nuclear powerplant such as fukushima cost around 400 million to build.

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How much land would need to be covered in wind turbines to replace one nuclear power plant?

It can vary based on the specific output of the nuclear power plant and the capacity of the wind turbines. As a rough estimate, it may take several square miles of land covered in wind turbines to replace the energy generation of one nuclear power plant. This would depend on factors such as wind availability, turbine efficiency, and capacity factors.

How much would it cost to replace Fukushima with solar panels?

It is difficult to estimate the exact cost to replace Fukushima with solar panels as it would depend on various factors such as the size of the area to be covered, the type of solar panels used, and additional costs like installation and maintenance. However, installing a large-scale solar power plant can costs billions of dollars.

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How long before you die from Fukushima?

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Would wind turbines be able to run a school?

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Is there enough residual heat at the Fukushima nuclear plants to reach 3000F and fully expose the uranium If so and maximum radiation reaches Tokyo what would be the level of destruction?

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How many wind turbines needed to power us?

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