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well that depends compare to solar energy i think fossil fuels make the most energy out of any other kind of energy because they have coal, petroleum, oil and natural gas in wish solar energy depends on the sun and wind energy in the wind that is why fossil fuels produced more energy than any other.

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Q: How much energy is produced compare to fossil fuels?
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fossil fuels

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Forty percent of all the commercial energy produced in the world is produced from oil.

Does electricity use fossil fuels?

There are many sources of energy that can be converted to electric energy. In many countries, most electric energy is produced by fossil fuels -- mostly coal, some natural gas, etc. However, in a few countries such as France and Belgium, most electric energy is produced from something other than fossil fuels. What can you use instead of fossil fuels?

What is Energy that is not produced by burning fossil fuels or wood?

This kind of energy is called renewable energy.

Fossil fuels is what energy?

the energy that is in fossil fuels is chemical and radiant energy.

Did the energy that is stored in fossil fuels come from fission or fusion reactions from the sun?

Not fission. The sun's energy is produced by nuclear fusion, and that energy produced all the vegetation which turned into fossil fuel.

What is produced energy?

Energy cannot be "produced", energy cannot be made or destroyed, though we can harvest energy from the wind, sun, fossil fuels and even from splitting an atom

Why is the sun the source of energy for fossil fuels?

The sun is the source of energy for fossil fuels because fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, were formed millions of years ago from organic matter like plants and algae. These living organisms absorbed sunlight through photosynthesis, converting solar energy into chemical energy which was preserved in the form of fossil fuels over time.

Is kinetic energy stored by fossil fuels?

No. Fossil fuels store chemical energy. It is this chemical energy we tap by using them for fuels.

Almost all electrical energy is produced as a result of hydroelectric power?

NO. Almost all electrical energy is produced as a result of burning fossil fuels.

An energy-rich substance formed from the remains of organisms is?

Fossil Fuels =)

How does solar energy reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Solar energy reduces the use of fossil fuels by providing a clean and renewable alternative for generating electricity. By capturing energy from the sun, solar panels help decrease the demand for electricity produced by burning fossil fuels, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on non-renewable resources.