1 barrel of oil = 158.987295 liters 1 barrel of oil = 42 US gallons
There are 42 gallons of crude oil per barrel.
UK Oil cost £112.56/Barrel US Oil cost $102.12/Barrel Save
The average price of a barrel of oil in 1966 was around $2.93.
$49.32 per barrel.
That was the month and year that a barrel of crude oil reached its highest level: $128.08 per barrel.
There are 42 gallons of crude oil per barrel and that makes about 19 gallons of gas.
An industry-standard barrel of oil contains 158.987295 liters.
About 19.6 gallons per barrel of crude oil. Each barrel holds 42 gallons of oil.
As of 5/25/10, about $64.78 per barrel.
The future cost of a barrel of oil is calculated by examining projections of how much oil is available as compared to how much oil is being used or is in demand. Prices spike when the demand for oil exceeds its availability, from all sources.