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When you have poor credit rating, you might have to be prepared to pay higher down payments and maybe higher monthly dues. But be prepared in all cases to be paying higher rates because of the poor credit rating!

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Q: How it is it possible to finance a car if a poor credit rating is making it difficult?
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Getting your loan finance application approved can be difficult. Consumers need to realize that they must have good credit in order to have their application approved. Borrowers who have a history of making on time payments, remain within their credit limits and have a long positive credit history have a better chance of being approved. Also, having a steady source of income as well as a positive history of employment can help your credit application to be approved.

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can i claim a making work pay credit can i claim a making work pay credit

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Name some faults in laminated pastry?

The dough can be too sticky, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too tough, making it difficult to roll out. The dough can be too crumbly, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too oily, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too dry, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too floury, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too sweet, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too savory, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too hard to work with.