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the nuclear reactor makes steam wich drives turbines wich drive generators that make the electricity

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Q: How is the energy of a nuclear reactor converted to electricity?
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Is nuclear energy stored?

Nuclear energy is not stored in the traditional sense, like electricity in a battery. Nuclear energy is generated through nuclear reactions in a nuclear reactor. The heat produced during these reactions can be converted into electricity and stored in the power grid.

What is a sentence for energy?

Nuclear energy is obtained by the fissioning of nuclei of uranium235, in a controlled chain reaction in a nuclear reactor, which produces heat that can be converted to electricity by normal power plant methods.

What is the difference between nuclear reactor and nuclearpower plant?

a nuclear reactor converts binding energy into heat. a nuclear power plant uses a nuclear reactor to generate electricity.

Can nuclear energy be converted into electricity?


What does the steam turbines do in a nuclear reactor?

Steam turbines in a nuclear reactor convert the thermal energy of the reactor's coolant (water) into mechanical energy by driving a generator. This mechanical energy is then converted into electrical energy which can be used to produce electricity.

Where is the nuclear energy produced in a nuclear reactor?

Nuclear energy is produced in the core of a nuclear reactor, where controlled nuclear fission reactions occur. These reactions release heat energy, which is then used to generate electricity through steam turbines.

How does nuclear energy power a device?

Typically the nuclear energy is converted to electricity and the electricity powers the device. No much differently than the chemical energy in fossil fuels is often converted to electricity and the electricity powers the device.

What are the energy transfers in a nuclear reactor?

In a nuclear reactor, energy is transferred from the fission process of uranium atoms to heat energy. This heat energy is then used to produce steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity.

What efficiency percent of nuclear?

Nuclear power plants typically operate at an efficiency rate of around 33-37%. This means that about one-third of the energy produced by the reactor is effectively converted into electricity.

How does nuclear reactor works to produce electricity?

In a nuclear reactor, nuclear reactions create heat by splitting atoms or combining them. This heat is used to produce steam, which drives a turbine connected to a generator. The generator then converts mechanical energy into electricity that can be distributed to power homes and businesses.

What is an atom fission machine called?

An atom fission machine is typically referred to as a nuclear fission reactor. This device generates energy by splitting atoms, releasing a large amount of heat that is converted into electricity. It is commonly used in power plants to produce electricity on a large scale.

What is the examples of energy produce nuclear reactor?

If you mean energy produced by nuclear reactors, then "heat" and "light" would be the answers (Just think of the sun)