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You cannot obtain the energy as it is anti-matter.

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Q: How is energy obtained from ethanol to fuel a car?
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Can ethanol be used for car fuel?


How can corn ethanol make enough energy to power a car?

Ethanol stores chemical energy, just like gasoline does.

Is ethanol safe to use in cars?

The car has to be built to run on ethanol. Ethanol requires different fuel lines, injector sizes, computer programming.

Can you use boat fuel in a car?

If we're talking about gasoline/petrol, then yes as long as it meets the minimum octane required for your car. If you consider "boat fuel" as ethanol free fuel then yes absolutely you can. Using fuel containing ethanol in boats however creates problems.

Can existing car engines be adapted for ethanol fuel?

Your car can safely run on fuel that is up to 10% ethanol. To run E85 which is 85% ethanol your car must be modified. It can be done but it would be very expensive to make all the changes necessary. Ethanol is a solvent and will destroy common rubber seals and gaskets used in cars not designed to run it. It is highly corrosive to aluminum and other parts in an engine. And besides, why would you want to burn ethanol. Ethanol has less energy than gasoline so your fuel mileage will drop around 20 to 30%. If you are getting 30 mpg with gasoline you will get around 24-25 with Ethanol. You will also have less power burning Ethanol. And it takes corn and other food sources to make Ethanol. That causes the price of corn to go up costing us more for food products containing corn.

Is ethanol harmful to car engines?

Ethanol can be harmful to car engines if used in high concentrations. It can cause corrosion of engine components, decrease fuel efficiency, and potentially damage rubber and plastic parts. Many modern vehicles are designed to handle low concentrations of ethanol, such as E10 blends (10% ethanol), without significant issues.

How des a car ran on ethanol work?

The same way a gasoline car does, albeit with a different fuel type.

Can a car run solely on pure ethanol?

Yes, a car can run solely on pure ethanol, but it may require modifications to the engine to optimize performance. Ethanol is a renewable fuel source that can be used as an alternative to gasoline in some vehicles.

Who discovered the ethanol?

Ethanol was likely discovered by ancient civilizations that fermented fruits and grains, leading to the production of alcoholic beverages. The process of fermentation, which produces ethanol, has been known for thousands of years. However, the specific individual credited with discovering ethanol is unknown.

What fuel is used in a car?

Unleaded Gasoline, Diesel, Ethanol, or Natural Gas depending on the engine.

What amount of ethanol is needed to produce the equilavent a liter of petrol energy wise?

To produce the equivalent energy of one liter of petrol, you would need approximately 0.67 liters of ethanol. Ethanol contains about 67% of the energy content of petrol. However, please note that the exact energy content can vary based on the ethanol blend and the specific energy content of the petrol being compared.

Which renewable energy source can run a traditional car?

Biofuel is renewable.One kind of biofuel is alcohol made from plants, will power a regular car. Ethanol is used in many countries to either replace or add to fossil fuel gasoline.