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in your home it can create energy

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Q: How does hydroelectric create electricity?
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What Hydroelectric dams are developed to use moving surface water to create?


Hydroelectric dams are developed to use moving surface water to create?


Which town is create electricity to water first?

Appleton in Wisconsin was the first town in the world to create hydroelectric plant.

What kind of electricity do dams create?

hydroelectric power They produce what is called 3-phase AC power.

What steps does water go through to create electricity?

Water can either be used to drive turbines directly (hydroelectric), where the kinetic energy of the water is converted into electricity by the turbine, or it can be heated by burning fuel to create steam, which then drives turbines to create electricity.

Where does hydroelectric power take place?

Hydroelectric power is made by machinery that uses the force of water to create electricity. It often takes place inside a dam, where the machines are housed, and then the electricity is sent out on wires to wherever it is needed.

What is hydroelectric power pruduces electricity using?

Hydroelectric power produces electricity by using water.

What industries rely on hydroelectric energy?

Since hydroelectric energy supplies electricity, any industry that uses electricity from a hydroelectric plant relies on this energy.

What is the difference between hydroelectric and hydrothermal energy?

Hydroelectric energy is generated by converting the energy of flowing water into electricity using turbines in dams or rivers. Hydrothermal energy, on the other hand, refers to the use of geothermal heat from beneath the Earth's surface to generate steam and drive turbines for electricity production. While both harness natural energy sources, hydroelectric relies on water flow while hydrothermal taps into heat from the Earth's interior.

What does hydroelectric power produce?


What are applications of hydroelectric genrator?

oh boy,,, How about the hydroelectric generators and the base of a dam ?? Electricity for you and me ... ?

Electricity produced by water?

Hydroelectric power