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The pressure of the smoke spins a turbine.....

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Q: How does coal make electrisaty?
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Does coal make gas?

No, coal does not fart. NO DIP, OF COURSE COAL MAKES GAS!

How do you make a crow on Alxemy?

Bird and coal

What are the benefits on mining coal?

Well you can make steel with two coal and one iron basically you can make a lot of high level metals coal.

How do you make coal on alxmey?

To make coal in Alxemy, combine fire and tree. Drag the fire element onto the tree element to create coal.

Why coal made out of carbon?

coal is made out of carbon because u need carbon to make coal

Is mining coal and then buying coal oar to make steel bars worth it pm me yew515 or poopooj3?

You need iron and coal to make a steel bar.

What are some products made out of coal?

There are various uses of coal out of which 85% of coal is burned to generate electricity. The ash is sometimes used in building products. Much coal is converted to coke, which is largely used to make steel. Some coal is used to make natural gas, and CTL (Coal to liquid) processes coming on line can make gasoline or diesel fuel. Coal is also used to make many chemicals, such as medicines, paint thinner, varnish, and insecticides. There are some bye-products of coal such as coal Tar , coal tar pitch

Who uses coal?

Companies use coal to generate electricity. People use coal to heat their houses. Steam trains use coal to power their engines. Companies use coal and burn them to make hot air to spin their turbine to make energy.