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Q: How does a midget reach the gas pedal?
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Is Mars a rockey midget or a gas giant?

Rocky, and not so midget-y.

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whenever you can reach the gas pedal, the brake dont matter

Why is there resistance on your gas pedal when you press it?

Occasionally the gas pedal will have some resistance when you press it. You could check and lube gas pedal, gas cable, and throttle itself.

What side is the gas pedal on?

The gas pedal is on the right side as you are sitting in the car.

How do you brake down the number 32?

Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.

Why the 1998 Lincoln Town Car Gas Pedal Sticks?

Why do. 1998 gas pedal get loose

Why is my truck revving high when you step on the gas pedal?

Because you're stepping on the gas pedal.

Car run but not move unless you play with gas pedal?

yes, when you put your foot on the gas pedal the car moves. that's why the pedal is there

What is the pedal to increase speed called?

It is called the accelerator pedal, aka the gas pedal.

Noises when you push gas pedal?

ticking noise when the gas pedal is pressed in a 2005 ford ranger

A manual car has gas pedal break pedal and?

The pedal on the left is the clutch. You press it when you are changing gears.

Where is the ECM on a 97 Geo Prizm?

next to the gas pedal in the center console next to the gas pedal in the center console