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Hybrid vehicles consume far less irreplaceable fuel and, therefore, produce far less exhaust, which pollutes the air, by using an internal combustion engine only when needed to recharge the battery or, for example, to rapidly accelerate from a stop. The car's computer shuts off the internal combustion engine and uses the electric motor when it senses that's all you need, like, for example, when cruising at a constant speed down the highway.

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Q: How do hybrid cars help people and the envirment?
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How do hybrid cars help people and the environment?

They let off fewer emissions into the environment.

Should you control greenhouse gases?

you can try to help by using hybrid cars, biking, and encouraging people to do the same

Why is it better to buy a hybrid car than a regular car?

There are many reasons why hybrid cars are better than regular cars. One reason is that hybrid cars get better gas mileage than regular vehicles. Another reason is that hybrid cars help protect the environment.

How to Find Used Hybrid Cars?

There has been a huge spike of interest in the field of hybrid cars lately, and this has led to a number of people trying to find used hybrid cars to help save a little money. The reality is that these cars are difficult to find used on most traditional car lots since they are so new, but they can be commonly found online or through a private seller.

How efficient is hybrid car fuel?

Hybrid cars get better gas mileage than regular cars. Also, the great thing about the hybrid car is that you do not necessarily need to use fuel to drive a hybrid car, which will help you save money on gas.

How can hybrid cars help the environment if the energy needed to charge them is produced at coal fired electric generating facilities?

Hybrid cars do not release extra hydrocarbons. They do not deplete ozone.

What is the purpose of hybrid cars?

They help reduce fuel consumption and control pollution.

How many companies make hybrid cars?

Companies that make hybrid cars include Toyota, Honda, General Motors, Ford, BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Hybrid cars help to reduce greenhouses gas emissions to become more independent from fossil fuels.

Are hybrid cars smart cars?

No smart cars are not hybrids, nor are they overall good for the environment. They do help reduce fuel consumption some.

Why do people make hybrid cars?

they make hybrids for different purposes they make them because they "help" the environment but some of the car dealers want more money.

How would hybrid cars help the in environment?

arnt they electronicly powered arnt they electronicly powered

What are the best cars of 2011?

According to readers digest, the best 2011 vehicles are the SUV, vans and hybrids. Many people are now purchasing hybrid cars to help the environment. They are also coming down in price.