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Hybrid cars usually have two engines, an electric one and a gasoline one. The electric motor runs from batteries which are charged from the mains electricity, or from the gasoline engine while it is running.

If the electricity comes from a renewable source, like solar, hydro or wind power, then the car is saving carbon emissions (It is not causing any release of carbon dioxide into the greenhous atmosphere.).

When hybrid cars (any cars for that matter) are manufacted, the process involves a lot of carbon emissions, from the steel, aluminum or plastic used, to the electricity involved in production etc.

So hybrid cars don't do a lot to fix global warming. They make people feel good, and they do a little to help.

A much better solution would be to walk, ride a bicycle or use public transport!

A:The hybrid car cuts down on Carbon Dioxide released by the burning of petrol and petrol products (gasoline). They are designed to slow down the build up of greenhouse gases causing global warming.
A:They use less gas and go more miles and also because they don't release as much greenhouse gases as normal cars do.
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