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There seems to be very little information on how to replace the battery yourself, but all the websites concerning hybrid batteries do state that it is a very expensive fix. A licensed dealership will have a mechanic available to help you understand the process.

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Q: How do I replace my battery in my hybrid?
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When do you replace battery in a hybrid car?

When the old ones fail.

2004 Honda civic hybrid battery cost?

A Hybrid Civic battery Pack installed costs anywhere from $3,000 to as much as $7,000 to replace. The part itself has been listed on eBay at between $400 - $1,000

How many times do have to charge a hybrid a month?

you do not charge hybreds they just require you to replace your battery more often

How much does it cost to replace the battery in a Ford Escape hybrid?

The Ford Escape Hybrid carries two batteries: a standard low-voltage battery and a high-voltage hybrid battery. The low voltage battery is an ordinary vehicular 12 volt battery used to power the starter motor. It should only be replace with a specific battery from your dealer. i found out this the hard way when AAA came out to replace the battery with a standard one and my car started to have issues. only replace from dealer!! The high voltage hybrid battery, however, is another matter entirely. Currently, the new battery and the labor to install it into the vehicle's high voltage power bus is approximately $7,000. Hybrid batteries are designed to function for the life of the car, usually for 150,000 to 200,000 miles before requiring replacement, and battery failures are statistically uncommon. If you believe your battery system is having difficulties, the high-voltage power bus should be run through diagnostics by a Ford dealer to determine the source of any problems. Ford typically guarantees its hybrid batteries for eight years, so your vehicle should fall under the warranty rules for replacement should the need arise. Consult your dealer for more information.

Do hybrid cars last longer than standard cars?

Unknown, but probably not. The battery will probably die first and it is expensive to replace.

Does a hybrid car actually save the owner money in the long run?

The hybrid cars are more expensive than the started car but they will save you money with gas. Also if you ever need to replace the battery in a hybrid it will cost around 5000 dollars.

Cost of Hybrid Battery Repair?

If you require a hybrid battery repair, then chances are that you probably require a new hybrid battery as well. The entire process of changing a battery within a hybrid vehicle can be quite time consuming and expensive. A full set of batteries for a hybrid car will cost anywhere from $2,500 to $3,500. In addition, there are often fees charged by dealerships to install these batteries for hybrid cars.

What are hybrid cars run on?

hybrid cars runs on battery and gas. when you go really fast and use a hybrid car then you stop... you use a whole bunch of the battery... while you are waiting,, the battery charges and then VOULA... theres your charged

Where can I get my hybrid battery repaired?

Depending on the mark and model of your vehicle, the following website specializes in hybrid battery repair for Honda automobiles.

Where I can buy a cheap hybrid battery for Toyota Prius 2006?

A cheap hybrid battery for Toyota Prius 2006 can be bought from online stores.

How long will the Honda Civic hybrid run if the battery is bad?

The Honda Civic Hybrid will run fine on a dead battery, but acceleration will be sluggish.

Where does a hybrid vehicle get its power?

An Engine and a battery