An over drive should enable you to save your fuel usage. It allows you to drive at the same speed, but using less revs, therefore you will use less fuel.
you probably have a button or switch to turn overdrive on and off, it may be on the end of your shift lever, you probably want to keep the overdrive on, save you some gas, hope i helped
If an automatic car is in off overdrive does it save fuel
Normally the overdrive is allowed , so the overdrive OFF light does not light up When the overdrive is switched off , the overdrive OFF light will light up to let you know that the overdrive has been switched off
it depends on where you are driving. If you are just driving around town, you should probably turn the overdrive off, because it will cause the engine to run at very low revolutions per minute, which is not good for it. If you are driving on the freeway, then you should have the overdrive on, because it will save you fuel. However, if you are in hilly terrain, turn the overdrive off, so that the engine will be running fast enough to climb the hills without the vehicle slowing way down. Practice turning the overdrive off just before you start up a hill, and give the vehicle the gas to get its speed up before you get to the hill. This way, you can maintain freeway speeds. When you reach the top of the hill, turn the overdrive on again. Most transmissions today are set up to shift up as quickly as possible, even around town, to make them seem more fuel efficient. I have had a vehicle shift into overdrive at 20 miles per hour, but as soon as I gave it a little gas, it would shift down again, usually a couple of gears. Consistantly driving an engine at low RPM's results in carbon deposits in the engine, fouling of anti-pollution equipment, and poor gas milage. By turning the overdrive off in town, you can help to prevent these effects, and save yourself money on garage bills.
I would use the overdrive during normal driving. How ever if you need that little extra power then i would just turn it off. haveing the overdrive on all the time during normal driving " not pulling a boat or another car" should save you a little gas. just think of your overdrive as a half gear need more power go to the full gear
Overdrive ON is the normal position But if you are towing something or driving in hilly country where the transmission is constantly shifting from overdrive to drive , then you want to switch the overdrive off
It should be on for best gas mileage under normal driving conditions, If towing a large load up hills and through town, it should be off.
Not normally.
The overdrive. Try driving it with the overdrive off.
When the car reaches the speed that you would like to attain (say 55 MPH) and levels off (stays at 55 MPH) the engine does not require as much gas as when you are getting up to speed (0 - 54 MPH). So considering this, Overdrive is when you get up to speed and the amount of gas put into the chambers is reduced, (but you still continue at 55 MPH) saving tons of gas and is easier on your engine. The overdrive on/off switch controls the transmission. If overdrive is off (indicated by light on dash) vehicle will not shift into overdriven gear (4th gear); which can be useful for mountain driving. Overdrive should be on though as it will greatly effect your gas milage if it is off.
Overdrive is the normally allowed position ( in overdrive the engine doesn't rev as high , the gas mileage is better , the transmission will run cooler etc. when you drive at higher speeds )
If its a light load, if it will be frequently used its worth getting a transmssion cooler to save the trannys life. Its also a good idea when towing to drive with the over drive turned off. Overdrive isn't meant to handle a load, just to freewheel to save gas on the highway. Towing a load with the overdrive on can burn out the overdrive.