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Q: Does hybrid cars have pollution
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Do hybrid cars produce pollution?


What problems are present that caused us to make hybrid cars?

It would be pollution because they don't want pollution in the air so the hybrid cars would cut down on pollution.

How much less pollution is emitted from hybrid cars than from gasoline powered cars?

The pollution from hybrid cars is far less emitted, when you compare that of gasoline cars. The total reduction could be as high as 10% if you ignore the pollution additions that were created to make the auto and the premature disposal that will occur when the batteries are dead.

What is the purpose of hybrid cars?

They help reduce fuel consumption and control pollution.

What kind of cars stop pollution?

Electric cars are one of the best options for reducing pollution because they produce zero emissions. Hybrid cars and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are also alternatives that help lower pollution levels compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. Carpooling, using public transportation, or cycling are other sustainable transportation options to reduce pollution.

What are some advantages of hybrid cars?

The advantages of owning a hybrid car include: spending less on gas and repairs and contributing less pollution on the earth. Hybrid cars are the futuristic advantage of owning a vehicle.

Do hybrid cars cause pollution?

A little bit because a Hybrid runs on half electricity and half gasoline. I hope this answers your question.

Do cars effect the environment?

Yes. Cars let out exhaust, which are gases from the car, that pollute the air! Some cars are electric or hybrid and cause little to no pollution.

Do hybrid cars make pollution?

A car's greatest pollution creating point is during construction. The second greatest portion of a car's pollution comes from the destruction of the car. Hybrid cars are built and will be destroyed at some point. Furthermore they create pollution when they move, the about the same pollution as a conventional car. They do save about 10% in fuel economy, but create more pollution during the construction due to the extra electronics and batteries. The premature destruction of a conventional car to allow room for the purchase of a hybrid could mean that the individual increased the amount of pollution to purchase the car.

What effect does hybrid have on the environment?

hybrid cars help the environment because they don't use any fuel, so no pollution is present. unfortunately the majority of citizens don't buy these cars since they are very expensive.

How fuel efficient are water hybrid cars?

The following article I am including is primarily directed to the question at hand. It is devoted to fuel efficient hybrid vehicles. The article can be found at

Why Should You Buy the Hybrid Car?

The hybrid car is the best way to save on high energy costs these days. Every day, thousands of people are becoming converts of the technology that makes up hybrid cars. Hybrid cars allow you to get an extra 20 to 30 miles on your gas mileage. These cars do not put as much pollution into the environment. A hybrid car saves you money and helps maintain a clean atmosphere.