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Q: Does gasoline spills damage asphalt
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Related questions

Can you freeze gasoline?

No, gasoline should not be frozen as it can expand and potentially damage its container, leading to leaks or spills. It can also cause issues with the fuel's chemical composition and performance when it thaws. It is not recommended to freeze gasoline.

Will salt damage asphalt?

Yes, salt can damage asphalt by causing it to deteriorate and crumble over time. This is especially true in areas where salt is used to de-ice roads during the winter months. It is recommended to use alternative de-icing methods to prevent damage to asphalt surfaces.

Why is the use of cutback asphalt not recommendfed?

The use of asphalt cutbacks is not recommended because they are made by mixing asphalt with lighter oils such as kerosene or gasoline. Over time these solvents evaporate from the mixture, contaminating the environment.

True or false bacteria are used to clean up oil spills and gasoline leaks?


Can bacteria be used to clean oil spills and gasoline leaks?

yes because it clean up everything

What are some examples of hazardous waist?

toxic waste, used medical needles, gasoline and oil spills,

What is spillage?

Spillage is when liquid spills over form where it is supposed to be. This can be found in cars and vehicles when coolant spills over from the reservoir, or when a gas tank is over-filled causing gasoline to spill out.

How does muriatic acid react with asphalt?

Muriatic acid can react with asphalt by breaking down its chemical structure, leading to degradation and softening of the asphalt pavement. This can result in the formation of cracks, potholes, and overall weakening of the asphalt surface. It is important to avoid spilling muriatic acid on asphalt surfaces to prevent damage.

Bacteria are used to clean up oil spills and gasoline leaks is this true or false?

True.. this is actually true. In the Science Explorer Focus on Life Science by Prentice Hall says, "Scientists have put these bacteria to work cleaning up oil spills in oceans and gasoline leaks in the soil under gas stations.

Will cantering on asphalt injure horses?

Yes. It hurts their legs and they can slide if they have horseshoes on. If you're cantering on the asphalt once or twice it doesn't make a damage but it does hurt the horse.

What is the residue which is not recovered in distillation process of gasoline?

The residue not recovered in the distillation process of gasoline is known as bitumen or asphalt. This thick, heavy material has a higher boiling point than gasoline and remains at the bottom of the distillation column after the desired gasoline fractions have been collected.

Which of these is a drawback associated with using oil?

Equipment failure can lead to oil spills and environmental damage.