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No, electric cars don't emit carbon dioxide but some electricity comes from fossil fuels which releases carbon dioxide. Although electrics are don't emit pollution, there are still some drawbacks. Electric cars are inefficient, they can only power up to a certain speed and the fuel needs to be filled up often.

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Q: Do electric cars emit carbon dioxide?
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Do cars pollute the air or people?

Both. Cars emit Hydrocarbons + Nitrogen Oxides + Carbon Dioxide + Carbon Monoxide. People emit Methane and Carbon Dioxide.

How do cars emit carbon dioxide?

Cars run on burning of fossil fuel, which is mainly hydrocarbons, compound of carbon and hydrogen which on oxidation (burning) produces Carbon dioxide, water (and Carbon Monoxide if oxygen is not sufficient for combustion).

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because gas powered cars emit carbon dioxide which is killing the earth!

Do cars emit carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide?

Yes, cars emit both carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as byproducts of burning fuel. Carbon monoxide is produced when fuel is not burned completely, while carbon dioxide is a natural byproduct of the combustion process in car engines.

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Air conditioners themselves do not emit carbon dioxide. They may indirectly contribute to carbon dioxide emissions depending on the source of electricity they use. If the electricity is generated from fossil fuels, then using the air conditioner can indirectly result in carbon dioxide emissions.

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Do hybrid cars emit carbon dioxide?

Yes. if they are whole or even partly driven using fossil fuel then they create emissions

Where is CO2 usually found?

All animals emit CO2 (carbon dioxide) as waste. When you breathe out, you are expelling carbon dioxide. Anytime anything is burned, the results are H2O (water) and carbon dioxide. Engines in cars burn gasoline for energy and carbon dioxide is released. This is the same as what factory smokestacks do to produce carbon dioxide, which is thrown into the atmosphere.

Do humans emit carbon dioxide?

Yes, humans emit carbon dioxide as a byproduct of respiration, which is the process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. Other activities like burning fossil fuels also contribute to human emissions of carbon dioxide.

How much carbon dioxide does a Lorry emit?
