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Yes, fossil fuels can and do create electricity. Most electricity round the world today is generated by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

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Q: Could fossil fuels create electricity
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What are the disadvantages of using fossil fuels to create electricity?

You could run out!

Is all electricity made from fossil fuels?

no electricity is made from fossil fuels.

Could a fossil fuel produce electricity?

Sure, much of the world's electricity is obtained by burning fossil fuels.

How could fossil fuels be used?

For heat, electricity,and gasoline.

How are fossil fuels used in power stations?

They are burned to create energy like electricity.

Why is waisting elecricity so bad?

Electricity is created using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels take many years to be made, sometimes more than a decade. If people keep wasting electricity we would soon run out of fossil fuels to create more energy which could kill us as we need warmth etc. to live. As fossil fuels take a while to come around,we could be stuck without energy/electricty for ages.

The majority of the worlds electricity is supplied by burning 2 words?

fossil fuels

Is electricity made of fossil fuels?

No. Some electricity is made by using fossil fuels. There's a difference.

What do fossil fuels give electricity to?

Well, fossil fuels don't give the electricity they are part of making it though. By burning fossil fuels it creates steam which turns a turbine that generates electricity.

Does a tv need fossil fuels?

No. A TV is powered by electricity. While we do get most of our electricity from fossil fuels, we have other sources.

What fossil fuels can be used to produce electricity?

like coal ,petrolem are the fossil fuels

How does how fossil fuels produce electricity or fuel?

Fossil fuels produce electricity when they are burned to make steam or smoke which turns generators to make electricity. But we must be careful that we are not burning too much fossil fuels so that we will run out one day. :)