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The lienholder has an option to repossess when you become deficient on your payments for as long as you owe money on that vehicle. If you skip your last payment, that car can be repossessed.

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Q: Can they repossessed the car if you just owe the last payment?
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What will happen if your car down payment bounced and you made a particial payment?

The car will probably be repossessed.

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In Kentucky how many car payments behind do you have to be before your car is repossessed?

Your car can be repossessed if you miss one payment. Not likely they would do that but it is possible.

Can a military members car be repossed?

Anyone's car can be "repossessed" if they don't make their car payment.....

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Can you get your car back if its repossessed?

Yes. If the payment is made to the finnance company.

Can a car be repossessed if the owner dies before the first payment is due?

The car can be repossessed. The estate is responsible to return the vehicle and resolve the lease or loan.

How late does your payment have to be before your car can be repossessed in Florida?

Its NOT a matter of HOW late, just that you ARE late. Read your contract. That should explain when you are in DEFAULT.

How many days late on car payment before it can be repo?

The length of time that a car payment can be late without being repossessed will depend on the bank or car dealers agreements. Payments made after a month may be in jeopardy of being repossessed.

Can a car be repossessed if you are late making the remainder of the down payment but have been on time making the car payment?

YES, making the down payment is part of the contract and you are in default on it.

Can a car be repossessed when 1 payment is left?

As long as you owe them money they can take it.

How many days after your car payment is due can your car be repossessed?

Legally, ONE.Actual practice?? 3-60