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Currently only mag-lev trains are in production.

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Q: Are there electromagnetic cars
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Are Electromagnetic brakes used in cars?

No. Presently electromagnetic brakes are not used in cars but the can be used If I may finish that..on trailers

Do electromagnetic cars need gasoline?


Will cars be affected by electromagnetic force when nuclear bomb explode?


How is an electromagnetic wave helpful?

picking up cars, or other metallic objects.

What is the advantage of using electromagnetic brakes in cars?

No brake pads to wear out. Can't overheat the brakes.

What are electromagnetic motors used for?

Since they are fairly weak, simple toys, video games, but they are making new and improved version to power energy efficient cars.

What is the definition of eletromagnetic?

It depends what you are talking about... Electromagnetic field Electromagnetic force Electromagnetic radiation Electromagnetic spectrum Electromagnetic therapy Electromagnetic waves ...they each have different meanings.

What wave is used in RADAR machines to clock the speed of cars?

RADAR = RAdio Detection And RangingRadio waves in the microwave band are used to measure the speed of cars using a technique called "Doppler RADAR", by measuring the change in frequency of the returned waves.These waves are electromagnetic waves.

How are electromagnetic waves transfered?

Electromagnetic waves are transferred by electromagnetic radiation.

What is the principle of electromagnetic crane?

the principle on which an electromagnetic crane works is electromagnetic induction

Energy that does not require a medium and is transferred by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic what?

It is electromagnetic radiation

Is firelight a electromagnetic or mechanical wave?

Firelight is an electromagnetic wave. It consists of a spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that includes visible light.