not unless its not charging what its supposed to be charging.
because it automatically detects that you are stupid and prevents charging. possibly an alternator instead of altinater would also help.Not Nice; Rocky_B - See my entry here for more things you might want to check:
Transmission control unit for a 1990 Pontiac transport?
The 1990 Grand Am was a popular car. The curb weight of the 1990 Pontiac Grand Am was 2,739 pounds.
Pontiac Trans Sport was created in 1990.
The low pressure charging valve is on the accumulator........
your alternator is not charging
what is the best altinater for my car
Do what?
how do you rebuild 1990 bonneville transmission
have the alternator checked. u are drawing to much current when using lights, is usually a good indication that alternator is about to fail its not the altinater its new
You don't