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Some believe it is important for religion to be in schools because kids need have experience with faith. Another important reason is that kids need to know how to be around kids of different faiths and religions.

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5mo ago

Religion is important in schools as it can provide students with a foundational understanding of different belief systems, cultural traditions, and values that are prevalent in society. It can also promote tolerance, empathy, and understanding among students of diverse backgrounds. However, it is important to ensure that the teaching of religion in schools is done in a respectful, inclusive, and non-coercive manner.

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13y ago

Religion is something that has had a huge impact on society throughout the years. In fact, religion still does play a key role in society. Many of our culture's more "hot topic" issues have links to religion.

Abortion, for example, is debated on many levels that involve religion. People who adhere to a belief in God find it immoral because they believe all of life is a gift from God. Without an understanding of religion, though, it is difficult for both sides of this argument to understand each other.

Another huge issue in the world today is the unrest in the Middle East. Much of this unrest stems from religious hostilities among the different groups living there. Without an understanding of religion, it is nearly impossible to grasp the realities around this situation.

Religion does not have to be taught in schools as a solid fact. The schools do not need to single out one religion as the correct one. Schools should, however, give their students a general idea of the major world religious beliefs so that the students are better equipped to approach the society they will live in.


The role of religion in school cannot be justified as students cannot need this type of instruction, or make use of it, until other, more basic, needs are addressed.

Abraham Maslow developed a theory needs that has influenced a number of different fields, including education. His theory has a high level of practicality . If people are allowed to follow thr steps in his progression of needs they will become a "self-actualizing person."

Maslow has set up a hierarchic theory of needs.

Maslow identified a hierarchy of five levels of basic needs. Beyond these, higher levels of needs exist which include:

  • understanding
  • aesthetic appreciation
  • purely spiritual needs.

People do not feel the need for these until the demands of the first have been satisfied. Maslow's basic needs are: Physiological NeedsThese are basic biological needs. You can't survive without air, food, water and shelter..Safety NeedsOnce assured of the basic needs a need for longer term security and freedom for harm becomes evident.Needs of Love, Affection and BelongingnessAfter these two comes the need for love, affection and belongingness.Needs for EsteemThe realizattion of positive self image comes next. This includes a high level of self-respect, and respect from others. Once satisfied a person feels self-confident and valuable as a person . When these needs are unsatisfied, the person feels inferior, and worthless.Needs for Self-ActualizationWhen the first four needs are satisfied a person feels aneed to make a mark on the world. Unlike hunger, thirst or shelter this need is hard to identify and to satisfy.

Parents and schools can address these five needs. They must all be addressed before a person can accept the even higher needs encouraging things like spirituality. The amount of work to provide for and satisfy these needs is tremendous and can consume all the available respourses in the educational system. To impose a further burden of religion, which in Maslow's opinion cannot e appreciated or even identified as a need until the basic needs are satisfied, is a waste of time and resources.

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8y ago

Sectarian religion does not need to be taught in schools for children to experience being around kids of different faiths. But some time spent in learning Comparative Religions can be very important.

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Did the Incas have schools?

Yes, the Incas did have schools known as Yachay Wasi. These schools were primarily for noble children and taught them subjects such as mathematics, engineering, agriculture, and religion. Education in the Inca society was important for maintaining and passing down knowledge and cultural traditions.

What was the name of Aztec schools?

The Aztec schools were called calmecac and telpochcalli. Calmecac was an elite school for nobles where they learned academics, religion, and leadership skills. Telpochcalli was a more common school where boys were taught military skills, history, and trades.

Can schools hold high regards to involve religion?

In the United States and some other jurisdictions, public schools are not permitted to promote religion in the classroom or school activities. In some cases, scripture classes are permitted as long as students are not required to attend those classes.

Schools established by Charlemagne were?

Charlemagne established schools called palace schools at his court in Aachen and supported the spread of education and literacy across the Carolingian Empire. These schools were instrumental in promoting cultural and intellectual growth during his reign and helped to preserve important texts from antiquity.

Is teaching the Bible in schools illegal?

In the United States, it is generally illegal for public schools to promote or teach a specific religion, including the Bible, due to the separation of church and state. However, schools can offer courses on the Bible from a secular or academic perspective, as long as they do not promote any religious beliefs. It is important for schools to remain neutral and respect the diverse beliefs of all students.

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Why is religious education not important in some foreign schools?

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What about religion do you think should and should not be permitted in public schools?

Religion should be permitted in public schools in an academic context, such as through the study of world religions for educational purposes. However, promoting or advocating for a specific religion should not be allowed in public schools to maintain separation of church and state. It is important to respect students' diverse beliefs and ensure a neutral, inclusive learning environment.

Can religion be discussed in schools?

in some schools religion can be discussed. I believe that you have to be careful on which religion you discuss though. For instance if you attend a christian school you can not discuss the Jehovah Witness religion

What schools have religion classes?

Many schools, especially private and parochial schools, offer religion classes as part of their curriculum. Some public schools may also offer elective courses in religious studies or comparative religion. It is best to check with individual schools to see if they offer such classes.

Why is religion not involved in schools?

religion is a central part of many schools, both in the US and across the world. In the US, there are catholic schools and thousands of other faith-based schools. These schools are considered private schools, in the sense that they do not receive public funds. You must pay to attend these schools. they teach normal classes, but in addition, they also teach religion. Public funded schools are strictly forbiden from teaching religion, due to separation of state and church. If the public schools were to teach any religion, that could indicate a government preference for one religion over another, which is undesirable. Government and religion are treated separate, in order to acheive freedom of religion. State sponsored religion should be avoided, because it causes problems, such as civil war and oppression of other religions.

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No. Mitt Romney is not planning on putting religion into public schools.

Is it true schools may require prayer and curriculum on religion?

Schools in the United States are not allowed to require prayer or promote any specific religion due to the separation of church and state. However, they may offer religious studies as an elective course for academic purposes. It is important for schools to maintain a neutral stance on religion to respect the diverse beliefs of all students and families.

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What has the author Earl Reginald McLean written?

Earl Reginald McLean has written: 'Religion in Ontario schools' -- subject(s): Church and education, Religion in the public schools 'Religious education in the public schools of Ontario' -- subject(s): Christian education of children, Religion in the public schools

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What has the author Alison Mawhinney written?

Alison Mawhinney has written: 'Freedom of religion and schools : the case of Ireland' -- subject(s): Church and education, Freedom of religion, Education and state, Religion in the public schools

When was religion banned from all US schools?

In 1787.