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The argumentative style of writing is effective in academic discourse because it allows scholars to present their ideas logically and persuasively, engaging with existing research and offering new insights. By presenting a clear thesis and supporting evidence, writers can contribute to knowledge in their field and engage in constructive dialogue with other scholars. This style also helps readers to understand and evaluate the strength of the arguments being presented.

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Q: Why do you think the argumentative style of writing fits so well in academic discourse?
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How would you define academic scholary writing?

Academic scholarly writing refers to a formal style of writing characterized by a logical structure, in-depth analysis, extensive research, and the use of authoritative sources. It is typically used in academia to advance knowledge in a specific field, present new ideas, and contribute to ongoing scholarly conversations.

Do you underline a poem?

In academic writing, poems are typically put in quotation marks. If you are referencing the title of a longer poem or collection, you may italicize it instead. Ultimately, the formatting rules may vary depending on the style guide you are following.

What is the primary value of identifying your learning style?

Identifying your learning style can help you understand how you best absorb and process information, allowing you to tailor your studying and learning techniques to be more effective and efficient. This can lead to improved academic performance and a better grasp of material.

What is the relationship between learning style and academic performance?

There is no clear consensus on the relationship between learning style and academic performance. While some studies suggest that matching teaching methods to a student's learning style can improve academic performance, others argue that there is little evidence to support this claim. Academic performance is influenced by a multitude of factors beyond just learning style, including motivation, study habits, and support systems.

What are the factors affecting academic performance?

Factors affecting academic performance include study habits, time management, motivation, learning environment, teacher quality, and personal health and well-being. Other factors can include family support, access to resources, and individual abilities and learning styles.

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What is discipline specific discourse?

Discipline-specific discourse refers to the specialized language and communication practices that are unique to a particular field or academic discipline. It includes the terminology, writing style, and communication norms that are commonly used by experts in that discipline to convey ideas and knowledge effectively. Understanding and being able to participate in discipline-specific discourse is essential for success in that field.

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Academic writing should be formal and businesslike.

What is the difference between academic and non academic writing?

Academic writing is formal, structured, and often includes citations and references from scholarly sources. It is typically used for research papers, essays, and publications in academic journals. Non-academic writing, on the other hand, is more informal and may include personal opinions, storytelling, and creative expression. It is commonly found in blogs, social media posts, and magazines.

Is style and editing important when writing a academic document?

Very. The style of writting an academic document is very different from other sytles of writting. Example: When citing your sources for an academic document you need to use the APA or MLA format, depending on the subjust.

Why does APA not allow use of contractions?

APA style aims to maintain a formal and professional tone in academic writing, which is why contractions are typically not allowed. Using contractions can make writing appear too informal or conversational, which is not in line with the style conventions of academic writing that APA adheres to.

The dialect used in American academic writing is known as?

The dialect used in American academic writing is known as Standard American English. This form of English is characterized by grammatical rules, vocabulary choices, and writing style commonly accepted in academic and professional settings in the United States.

What has the author Roger Fowler written?

Roger Fowler has written: 'Essays on style and language' -- subject(s): Literary style, Style, Literary 'The language of George Orwell' -- subject(s): Language and languages, Literary style, Style, Knowledge, Language, Language and languages in literature, English language 'Literature As Social Discourse' -- subject(s): Criticism, Discourse analysis, Literary, Language and languages, Literary Discourse analysis, Literary style, Sociolinguistics, Style, Style, Literary 'Linguistics and the novel' -- subject(s): Discourse analysis, Literary, Fiction, Literary Discourse analysis, Technique 'Language in the news' -- subject(s): British newspapers, Discourse analysis, English language, Journalism, Language, Social aspects, Social aspects of English language 'Style and Structure in Literature' 'The languages of literature' -- subject(s): Criticism, Textual, Philology, Textual Criticism

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J. Renkema has written: 'Discourse studies' -- subject(s): Discourse analysis 'Schrijfwijzer' -- subject(s): Dutch language, Style 'Discourse studies' -- subject(s): Discourse analysis

Which document would it be essential to use a formal style of writing?


How would you define academic scholary writing?

Academic scholarly writing refers to a formal style of writing characterized by a logical structure, in-depth analysis, extensive research, and the use of authoritative sources. It is typically used in academia to advance knowledge in a specific field, present new ideas, and contribute to ongoing scholarly conversations.

What does discoursive mean?

Discourse can mean to talk at length and formally about a topic. Such as: "The lecturer gave a discourse on the environment ... "

What is an APA Standard?

An APA standard refers to the guidelines and formatting rules established by the American Psychological Association for writing and citing academic papers. These standards help ensure consistency and clarity in research manuscripts, including how to structure papers, cite sources, and format references. Adhering to APA standards is common in the social sciences and academic writing.