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Organizations are moving toward experiential approaches to learning because they are more engaging and interactive, resulting in better retention and application of knowledge. Experiential learning also helps enhance problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and teamwork, which are valuable in today's dynamic and rapidly-changing business environment.

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Q: Why are organizations moving toward the use of experiential approaches to learning?
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What is shift of paradigm in education?

A shift of paradigm in education refers to a fundamental change in the way teaching and learning are approached. This can involve moving away from traditional methods and embracing new concepts such as personalized learning, student-centered approaches, technology integration, and a focus on cultivating critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It often involves rethinking the role of teachers, students, and educational institutions in the learning process.

What is the relationship between curriculum and instruction?

In critically reviewing research from phenomenographic, approaches to teaching and learning, academic literacies and social practice approaches, I will argue that each of these approaches separates teaching from learning in some way and in doing so treats academics and students as if they are engaged in separate processes. I will examine the implications of this separation for the explanations that are offered by research into teaching and learning in higher education before considering whether other approaches, less commonly used in research into teaching and learning in higher education, offer a more interactive way of understanding the relationship between teaching and learning. ou can learn by trial & error, by observation, by experience, by own intelligence/rational thinking, from mistakes, etc. without needing to be "taught" formally. teaching is just one of the ways that can be adopted in order to learn. teaching, however, CAN speed up learning, make it more focused & relevant. then, in order to be able to teach, the teacher has to have learnt him/herself - either formally or informally. thus learning precedes teaching. a learner may not be a teacher but a teacher Has to be a learner. moreover, teaching & learning is actually an on-going interaction & communication between the 2 players. there is stimulus, response, feedback, mutual learning & growth.... you could also talk about situations or people who are not ideal, or are misfits in their role of teacher/learner. eg how bad teaching can dull learning & interest while good teaching can motivate students & optimize learning, association & recall. This quote demonstrates my view of the relationship between teachers and students. In room 10 we will be learning together and teaching each other. Teaching is meaningful when we find it relevant to our lives right now. When we are actively engaged to learn subject matter we find important our understanding is deeper, and our learning is better. Learning new complex information can be challenging, and we may make mistakes. Sometimes we may even get frustrated; at times we may feel like giving up. That's when it becomes most important that we are traveling this journey together. You may teach another way to learn, or teach how to keep trying. We learn to encourage each other, to believe in each other. We listen to learn, and we learn to teach.

Why the Four Learning Modalities Are Important?

The four learning modalities (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic) are important because people have different learning preferences and strengths. By incorporating all modalities into instruction, educators can cater to diverse learning styles and enhance comprehension and retention. This approach can create a more inclusive and effective learning environment.

What is I am kinesthetic learning?

Kinesthetic learning is a style of learning that involves physical movement and hands-on activities to better understand and retain information. Individuals who are kinesthetic learners often benefit from activities such as role-playing, building models, or using gestures to help internalize concepts.

Contribution of Abraham maslow on curriculum design?

Abraham Maslow's contribution to curriculum design emphasized the importance of meeting students' psychological and developmental needs in order to enhance their learning experience. He advocated for a student-centered approach that focuses on holistic development and self-actualization, leading to the creation of more personalized and engaging curricula that take into account individual differences and motivations. Maslow's hierarchy of needs also influenced the design of curricula that aim to address students' basic needs first before moving on to higher-order learning objectives.

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Why We Need to Move Away from Traditional Learning Methods?

Moving away from traditional learning is important in today's rapidly evolving world to ensure education remains relevant & effective. Traditional methods often rely on passive learning, rote memorization & standardized assessments, failing to nurture critical thinking, creativity & adaptability essential for success in the modern era. By embracing innovative approaches such as project-based learning, experiential learning, and technology integration, MIT Vishwaprayag University cultivating skills like problem-solving, collaboration, and digital literacy needed to thrive in an ever-changing landscape. Furthermore, shifting away from traditional paradigms allows for personalized learning experiences tailored to individual strengths, interests, & learning styles, fostering deeper engagement & meaningful outcomes for students.

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Educational psychology emphasizes understanding diverse individual differences and tailoring instructional strategies to meet the unique needs of each learner. This approach involves recognizing various factors such as learning styles, abilities, interests, and cultural backgrounds that can influence students' learning experiences. By moving beyond generic approaches and acknowledging individual variation, educators can create more inclusive and effective learning environments.

Why can satellites not attain the speed of light notwithstanding they are in absolute vacuum?

As the speed of an object approaches the speed of light, its kinetic energy approaches infinity. An object moving at the speed of light would require inifinite kinetic energy.

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A slow moving front is relatively like a stationary front, bringing rain for quite a while as the front approaches, then when the front passes, it will bring cold weather for a longer period of time because the front will be around for a longer period of time. A fast moving front will bring cold for a shorter period of time and less rain as the front approaches. These are the simple effects of what will happen.

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People with a disability, this could be learning or physical such as moving them selves.

What happens to sound of a train whistle as a train approaches and passes you?

This is known as the Doppler effect. As the train approaches you, the wavelength of the sound waves it emits are compressed, and therefore the whistle sounds higher. When the train is moving away, the wavelengths are extended, causing the whistle to sound lower. If the train were not moving at all, the pitch you would hear from the whistle would be somewhere between the high and low pitches you hear when the train is moving.

What happens to the sound of a train whistle as a train approaches and passes you?

This is known as the Doppler effect. As the train approaches you, the wavelength of the sound waves it emits are compressed, and therefore the whistle sounds higher. When the train is moving away, the wavelengths are extended, causing the whistle to sound lower. If the train were not moving at all, the pitch you would hear from the whistle would be somewhere between the high and low pitches you hear when the train is moving.

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Blue shifted and when it is moving away it is under a red shift.

Why organizations moving away from mainframe systems?

Many organizations are moving away from Mainframe to Commodity or other systems, simply because it fits the needs of the company better. Each company has a different reason why they want to switch. Many switch because it is easier, or allows for more producitvity.

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Is there an equation that determines how much the relative time slows as an object approaches the speed of light.?

Time recorded on the moving clock = (non-moving time) multiplied by the square root of (1 - v2/c2). v = the speed of the moving clock c = the speed of light