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The principle that implies educational goals must align with a child's learning needs is Individualized Education Program (IEP). This legal document is developed for each student with disabilities and outlines their unique needs, goals, accommodations, and services to ensure appropriate education.

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Q: Which principle of special education implies that educational goals designed for a child must align with his or her learning needs?
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What is another name for an institution design for learning?

Another name for an institution designed for learning is an educational institution.

How does education related to Curriculum?

Education is the broader concept that encompasses the process of learning and acquiring knowledge and skills. Curriculum refers to the specific plan or set of courses and educational experiences designed by institutions to facilitate learning. In other words, education is the overarching goal, while curriculum is the organized structure implemented to achieve that goal.

Nature of educational philosophy?

Educational philosophy is the study of the goals, methods, and values of education. It explores questions about the nature of knowledge, how learning occurs, and the role of education in society. Educational philosophy helps to shape educational practices and policies by providing a foundation for understanding and guiding the teaching and learning process.

What is educational technology means?

Educational technology refers to the use of technology tools, devices, and resources to enhance teaching and learning. It includes methods such as online learning platforms, interactive whiteboards, and educational apps designed to improve student engagement and achievement. Educational technology aims to make the learning process more efficient, effective, and accessible.

What is educational technology?

Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources

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The educational purposes of ICT is to develop systems that will help solve various problems. Educational purpose of ICT helps in the implementation of the principle of distance learning and promotes equal opportunities to obtain information and education.

What is another name for an institution design for learning?

Another name for an institution designed for learning is an educational institution.

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it is responsible for kids to get an educational learning and so they wont fall behind in their learning.

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Lewis Tremlett has written: 'An investigation of lifelong learning in the context of traditional educational policy and practice' -- subject(s): Distance education, Postsecondary education, Educational technology, Continuing education, Educational change, Adult education

How does education related to Curriculum?

Education is the broader concept that encompasses the process of learning and acquiring knowledge and skills. Curriculum refers to the specific plan or set of courses and educational experiences designed by institutions to facilitate learning. In other words, education is the overarching goal, while curriculum is the organized structure implemented to achieve that goal.

What is the relationship between curriculum and education?

The relationship between curriculum and education is that Education is the process of human learning faculty trained and skills developed.Whereas curriculum is the totality of esperiences which learners undergo in an educational institution that is planed and guided by educational authorities.curriculum is a plan for learning whereas education is a process of perfecting the personality (angel sam)Education is a general term. It includes all aspects of learning. Curriculam comes under education. But it is restricted to a learning centre

Nature of educational philosophy?

Educational philosophy is the study of the goals, methods, and values of education. It explores questions about the nature of knowledge, how learning occurs, and the role of education in society. Educational philosophy helps to shape educational practices and policies by providing a foundation for understanding and guiding the teaching and learning process.

What is educational technology means?

Educational technology refers to the use of technology tools, devices, and resources to enhance teaching and learning. It includes methods such as online learning platforms, interactive whiteboards, and educational apps designed to improve student engagement and achievement. Educational technology aims to make the learning process more efficient, effective, and accessible.

What has the author Pamela LePage written?

Pamela LePage has written: 'Educational controversies' -- subject(s): Educational change, Education, Aims and objectives, Learning

Why you use educational psychology in education in detail?

Educational psychology is used in education to understand how students learn, develop, and behave in educational settings. By applying principles from educational psychology, educators can create more effective teaching strategies, design appropriate learning environments, and provide support for students with diverse learning needs. It helps educators make informed decisions based on research and theories to improve student learning and well-being.

What has the author Lisa Bohlin written?

Lisa Bohlin has written: 'Edpsych' -- subject(s): Classroom management, Educational psychology, Child development, Learning, Teaching, Education, Evaluation, EDUCATION / Educational Psychology

What has the author Arthur E Wise written?

Arthur E. Wise has written: 'Rich schools, poor schools' -- subject(s): Discrimination in education, Education, Finance, United States 'Education by voucher' -- subject(s): Educational vouchers 'Legislated learning' -- subject(s): Educational accountability, Educational equalization, Educational law and legislation