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Washington believed that education was important because it was needed to understand the government and how democracy works. He was correct because if voters don't understand the issues or how the government works a working democratic government is in peril. We see this in action today when many people don't know the history or how the government works.

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Horace Mann is known for his work in reforming education in the United States based on the belief that public education is essential for democracy to work. He advocated for universal public schooling to ensure that all citizens had access to education, regardless of their background or economic status.

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Q: Which person did reform work based on the belief that public education is essential for democracy to work?
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Did puritans believe in education for all?

Yes, the Puritans believed in education for all, including both boys and girls. They believed that education was essential for individuals to read and understand the Bible, which was at the center of their religious beliefs. As a result, the Puritans established schools and made efforts to ensure that children received a basic education.

As an educated person what will be your contribut ion to the cause of education?

As an educated person, my contribution to the cause of education would involve advocating for equal access to education for all, supporting initiatives that promote lifelong learning, volunteering to mentor students, and promoting the importance of education in empowering individuals and communities.

Should academic education have more attention than vocational education and why?

Both academic education and vocational education are important and serve different purposes. Academic education focuses on theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills, while vocational education provides practical training for specific trades and professions. The emphasis on one over the other should depend on the needs and interests of individuals as well as the demands of the job market. It is important to provide equal attention and resources to both types of education to ensure a well-rounded and skilled workforce.

What is an uneducated person called?

An uneducated person is often referred to as being illiterate or lacking formal education.

What is the name of someone who teaches in order to receive free education?

A person who teaches in order to receive free education is often referred to as a "teaching assistant" or a "teaching fellow." These individuals provide instructional support in exchange for opportunities to further their own education.

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Why is it essential to receive an education?

Education is very essential for every person because if any person is not educated then he can't interact anyone that's why education is must for each and every person. It is the primary function for the people to be literate because illiterate person has no value in this modern age that's all.

Who is the most important person in a democracy?

It depends on your point of view, the particular society in which you live, you politics, belief system and a host of other personal things.

Who was the democracy of France?

Democracy is not a person, it is a system of government.

What are the essential element of the English political tradition?

There are several elements to this tradition. Freedom of speech, a democracy system where not just one person rule and makes decisions, and a jury system.

What is transformative education?

In general terms, 'transformative education' is any educational shaping of a student that results in a significant change, whether that be in respect to one particular skill, such as essay-writing or analytical ability, or to the whole person. It may be noted that general (or, 'liberal') education has as its essential objective a transformative effect on the 'whole person' of the student.

Why as education so valued in America?

Washington wrote to have a democracy we needed an educated population. People need to know how to read and write and to be able to think. An educated person can not be a slave.

What does it mean when an empty bag cannot stand upright?

If a person didn't have much knowledge,who can't make a live.So, I think have much knowledge,education is essential.

What is the belief that a person is reborn as another person or animal?

The belief that a person is reborn as another person or animal is reincarnation.

Is democracy sovereignty is located with one person?

No, democracy is a form of government where sovereignty is vested in the people as a whole, not in one person. In a democracy, power is distributed among the citizens through their elected representatives.

Where is atheist dominant?

Among Intellectuals The majority of Nobel prize winners are Atheists. In fact there is a demonstrable inverse correlation between a person's level of education and belief in supernatural entities. The higher the level of education the less likely a person is to believe. Many European countries have a high proportion of atheists in their general populations.

What is the difference between a democracy and a dictatarship?

democracy people have power,dictatarship one person has power

What person thought of democracy'?

It was a number of people who believed in a democracy and formed what we know as america today.