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Reeve Lindbergh taught for many years at St. Johnsbury Academy, which is located in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.

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When was Reeve Lindbergh born?

Reeve Lindbergh was born in 1945, in Connecticut, USA.

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What age did reeve Lindbergh die?

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In "Flying" by Reeve Lindbergh, the main character faces a challenge with finding her own identity and facing the expectations imposed on her as the daughter of the famous aviator Charles Lindbergh. This struggle to break free from her father's shadow and carve out her own path forms the central plot problem in the story.

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Well, darling, flying by reeve Lindbergh is all about courage, independence, and a touch of recklessness. It takes guts to soar through the skies solo, with the wind in your hair and the world below you. Lindbergh's flying spirit is all about embracing adventure and pushing boundaries, just like skydiving in your Sunday best.

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The rhyme scheme of the poem "Johnny Appleseed" by Reeve Lindbergh is AABBCCDD.

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