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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Jacques Cartier received education in navigation and cartography, which equipped him with the skills needed for his exploratory voyages. He likely learned about mapmaking, maritime mathematics, and navigational techniques to become a successful explorer in the 16th century.

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Q: What was Jacques Cartier's education like?
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What is known about Jacques cartier childhood and education?

Jacques Cartier was born in 1491 in Saint-Malo, France. Not much is known about his childhood or education. However, it is believed that he received a basic education and likely learned navigation and seamanship skills through his experiences at sea.

A list of educational philosophers?

John Dewey: Known for his work in pragmatism and progressive education. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Advocated for child-centered education and natural learning. Maria Montessori: Developed the Montessori method emphasizing independence and self-directed learning. Paulo Freire: Promoted critical pedagogy, empowering students to challenge social inequalities through education.

What education theory did Rousseau express in a novel?

Rousseau expressed his education theory in his novel "Emile." In the novel, he advocated for a form of education that focused on the natural development of the child, promoting learning through experience and allowing children to learn at their own pace with minimal adult intervention. He believed in the importance of cultivating a child's natural instincts and abilities rather than imposing rigid structures or strict discipline.

How did Jacques Cartier get educated?

Jacques Cartier likely received his education through formal schooling in France. He may have attended a navigational school to learn the skills needed for exploration and mapping. Cartier also gained practical experience through his early career working on ships at sea.

What was the education like during the Renaissance Period?

Education during the Renaissance period was primarily focused on classical subjects like Latin, Greek, philosophy, and rhetoric. It was characterized by a revival of interest in learning, literature, and the arts, with emphasis on humanism and individualism. Education was often reserved for the wealthy elite, particularly men, while women had limited access to formal education.

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yes he was in a relationship.

Who was influenced by Jacques Cartiers work?

king of France

When is Jacques cartiers bday?

Dec. 31 1491

What is Jacques cartiers importance?

he discovered the north west