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Durkheim's theory focused on the importance of social solidarity in maintaining social order and stability. He argued that social structures and institutions play a crucial role in shaping individual behavior and beliefs. Durkheim also explored concepts such as division of labor, mechanical and organic solidarity, and the role of religion in society.

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What was Durkheim theory about?

Émile Durkheim was a French sociologist known for his theory of social integration and solidarity. He believed that society was a product of the interactions between individuals and that social bonds were crucial for maintaining social order. Durkheim argued that social institutions such as religion and education played a key role in promoting cohesion and preventing anomie, or normlessness, in society.

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The functionalist theory of sociology is associated with Emile Durkheim, a prominent French sociologist. Durkheim believed that society is a complex system made up of interrelated parts that work together to maintain social equilibrium and harmony. He is considered one of the founding figures of sociology.

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Emile Durkheim is most identified with the area of study known as sociology, particularly for his contributions to the development of the field of sociology as a scientific discipline. He is best known for his work on social theory, social integration, and the study of social facts.

How tall is Emily Durkheim?

Emily Durkheim is 5' 3".

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What are the contribution of emile durkheim in sociology?

Émile Durkheim made significant contributions to sociology by establishing it as a distinct academic discipline separate from philosophy and psychology. He emphasized the study of social facts as external influences on individuals' behavior, and his work on the division of labor, social solidarity, and the importance of institutions in maintaining social order laid the foundation for modern sociological theory. Durkheim's functionalist perspective continues to influence sociological research today, particularly in the study of social structures and institutions.

What is Émile Durkheim's birthday?

Émile Durkheim was born on April 15, 1858.

Who is the three holy of criminology?

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Who created functional theory?

Functionalism in sociology was developed by Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist. He believed that social institutions and structures serve specific functions in society, helping to maintain social order and cohesion. Durkheim's work laid the foundation for the functionalist perspective in sociology.