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An intensional definition points to names or identifies one or more instances of something to which the defined term applies. It focuses on the characteristics or properties that define the term rather than listing specific examples.

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Q: What type of definition points to names or identifies one or more instances of something to which the defined term applies?
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What is difference between inductive theory and deductive theory?

Inductive theory involves forming general principles based on specific observations, moving from specific instances to broader conclusions. Deductive theory involves applying general principles to specific situations, moving from general concepts to specific predictions or explanations. Essentially, inductive reasoning builds from observation to theory, while deductive reasoning applies theory to specific situations.

What is overgeneralization as a learning style?

Overgeneralization as a learning style is when a learner applies a rule or concept too broadly without considering exceptions or nuances. This can lead to errors and misunderstanding by assuming that a general rule applies in all cases without recognizing specific details or contexts.

What does it mean when a person applies oneself?

When a person applies oneself, it means that they are putting focused effort, attention, and dedication towards a task, goal, or activity. It involves actively engaging and committing to the task at hand to achieve desired results.

Should corporal punishment be enforced on woman?

No, corporal punishment should not be enforced on anyone, regardless of gender. It is not an effective or ethical way to discipline individuals and can lead to more harm than good. Alternative, non-violent methods of correction and behavior management should be utilized.

Relation between pedagogy and instructional design?

Pedagogy refers to theories and methods of teaching, while instructional design is the systematic process of creating and delivering educational materials. Instructional design applies pedagogical principles to design effective learning experiences. Pedagogy informs the design of instructional strategies, activities, and assessments that align with how people learn best.

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The word "mainly" is an adverb that means that something applies for the most part. For example, the sentence "Sean is mainly concerned with sales" indicates that his job responsibilities are mostly relating to sales.

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