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A monkey evolved into a human. Kind of like Pokemon.

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The theory of evolution is a scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth, proposing that species change over time through natural selection and genetic variation. It asserts that all living organisms are related and have descended from a common ancestor.

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Q: What is the theory of evolution most accurately described as?
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Is the theory of evolution allowed in schools?

Yes, the theory of evolution is an accepted scientific theory and is taught in most schools around the world as part of the science curriculum. It is supported by extensive evidence gathered from various scientific disciplines. However, the extent and manner in which it is taught may vary depending on the educational system and cultural context.

An appeal to logic in order to persuade someone of something is most accurately described as?

making a rational argument based on reason and evidence to convince someone of a particular viewpoint or course of action.

What is a sentence using the word theory?

Our experiment will help to prove or disprove the theory.The Big Bang theory remains the most likely scenario which led to the existence of the universe.He wrote about his theory in the scientific journal.

How many theories did Einstien have?

Albert Einstein is known for his contributions to theoretical physics, most notably the theory of relativity which encompasses both the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity. While he proposed other theories and made significant contributions to quantum mechanics, it is the theory of relativity that he is most famous for.

What are the four most held theory that attempt to explain the origin of the state?

The four most held theories that attempt to explain the origin of the state are evolutionary theory, social contract theory, force theory, and divine right theory. Evolutionary theory suggests that states developed naturally over time as human societies evolved. Social contract theory posits that states were formed by a collective agreement among individuals to create a social order. Force theory suggests that states emerged through the conquest and subjugation of people by a dominant group. Divine right theory argues that states were established by a higher power or deity, giving rulers the authority to govern.

Related questions

The theory of evolution is most accurately described as?

The central theory of modern biology, which illuminates all aspects of that science.

What is the prevalent theory of evolution?

the most prevalent theory of evolution is called natural selection.

What is the most excepted theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution by natural selection. ( I assume you meant accepted )

Who is the most famous scientist to develop the theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution by natural selection. Charles Darwin. A+

Which scientist proposed a theory about how evolution works?

Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection in his book "On the Origin of Species." This theory explains how species change over time through the process of natural selection acting on heritable variations.

What Is quadrilateral is most accurately described as?

A 4 sided shape

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What is quadrilateral most accurately described as?

A 4 sided shape

Who is the most famous of the scientists who developed the theory of evolution?

Evolution is a fact, not a theory. There are theories as to how the process of evolution works. The most notable is through natural selection proposed by Darwin and Wallace

What theory is most closely associated with concepts of kinship?

The evolution theory

What theory is most closely associated with the concept of kinship?

The evolution theory

Which theory is most closely associated which the concept of kinship?

Evolution Theory