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This quote emphasizes the importance of adaptability and growth in education. It suggests that true education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about developing the skills to continue learning and evolving over time. Being able to embrace change and new information is key to being truly educated.

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Q: What is the meaning of the quote the only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change?
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As an educated person what will be your contribut ion to the cause of education?

As an educated person, my contribution to the cause of education would involve advocating for equal access to education for all, supporting initiatives that promote lifelong learning, volunteering to mentor students, and promoting the importance of education in empowering individuals and communities.

What are the main characterstics of educated person?

An educated person typically possesses critical thinking skills, is open-minded, and values lifelong learning. They are able to communicate effectively, adapt to new situations, and have a strong sense of empathy and social responsibility.

What are some synonyms for the term 'schooled'?

Some synonyms for the term "schooled" would be "taught", "trained", "learned", "exercised", "worked", "educated" and probably more. When someone says a person has been "schooled" in something, it means that person has some background in the subject which is being discussed. If someone is "schooled" in Spanish, it means they have been taught to read and write Spanish by a teacher. If someone is "schooled" in football, it means they have been trained by a coach to play football. Being "schooled" in something does not necessarily mean this is the main occupation/job, but it is a skill the person in question possesses.

What do you call a person who learns a lot?

A person who learns a lot is often referred to as a scholar, a knowledgeable individual, or simply well-learned.

What is meaning of knowledge is transmissible?

"Knowledge is transmissible" means that knowledge can be passed on or shared from one person to another through communication, teaching, or sharing of information. This concept highlights the idea that knowledge can be disseminated and learned by others, leading to its continued growth and evolution through generations.

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What is the definition of learned?

A learned person is one who is educated and knowledgeable about the sort of things you can learn from books.

What is a complex sentence in which the dependent clause is introduced by the relative pronoun which?

Example: "The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change." (attributed to Carl Rogers)The relative pronoun 'who' introduces two dependent clauses:who is educatedwho has learned how to learn and change

Is a person who has read a book is necessarily educated?

No.. the quality of what they've read, their comprehension of what they've read, and their ability to apply what they've learned are better indicators.

Is a person who has read a thousand of books necessarily educated?

No.. the quality of what they've read, their comprehension of what they've read, and their ability to apply what they've learned are better indicators.

Who is an educated person?

Yes. However, an educated person can be "unlearned" and a learned person can be uneducated. For example, I knew Sauce in San Antonio, Texas. Fantastic keyboard player. He knew chords, music, etc., like it was nobody's business. He could tell you the names of chords. Name a chord and he would finger it - he was learned. But he couldn't tell the difference between a note on a sheet of music and a fly. R. Vega could play guitar, and keep up with his wife who played classical music, and he never took formal lessons in guitar or music. An unbelievable guitar player. He was learned but not educated (in music). I knew people that were educated in management, even earned a PhD in their chosen field. However, her "crew" was the most unmanaged, somewhat irresponsible, at times disrespectful folks you've ever seen. He was educated but unlearned in managing an office.

What is the meaning of 'educated fool'?

An "educated fool" is a paradoxon, which describes a well-educated person, who has trouble dealing with everyday situations or socializing. Although he may be very intelligent, he often ends up in awkward sitatuions due to him acting "foolish".

What is the difference between health educator and health educated person?

A health educator teaches others about health, and a health educated person is a person who has learned about health. In order to teach a subject you must first learn it, but not everyone who learns a subject will then teach it to others. There are other reasons for learning, particularly about health. We all need to protect our own health.

What is the language of educated person in Africa?

There are 54 countries in Africa, and over 2100 languages. The language of an educated person depends the country in which they were educated.

What is another word for study of knowledge?

You might call that person, educated, scholarly, literate, learned, lettered, trained, professional, cultivated, or cultured.

How can you distinguish educated person?


What is the meaning of the word paideia?

Paideia (παιδεία) is the Greek word for education. It refers to the knowledge that any educated person should have -- the arts, literature, and politics.

What do you mean by wit is educated insolence?

Wit is called educated insolence because of cynical and sarcastic comments made by educated people. It also means that an educated person can put thoughts into words more easily.