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Navigation for teachers refers to the process of guiding students through learning materials, activities, and assessments in order to meet specified learning objectives. It involves providing clear direction, support, and feedback to help students progress in their learning journey. Effective navigation helps students stay on track, understand the content, and achieve academic success.

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What is the difference between professional and non professional TEACHERS?

Professional teachers typically have formal education and training in teaching methods, curriculum development, and classroom management. They also hold teaching certifications or licenses. Non-professional teachers may not have formal training or certifications, and may teach in informal settings or without following established educational standards.

What school did Samuel Hearne the explorer go to?

Samuel Hearne did not attend a formal school. Instead, he learned navigation and wilderness skills through practical experience as an explorer and fur trader.

What is the meaning of formal schooling?

Formal schooling refers to the structured education system where students learn academic subjects from trained teachers within a school setting. This typically follows a set curriculum, includes specific grade levels, and often leads to certifications or degrees upon completion. Formal schooling is usually mandatory for children up to a certain age, depending on the country's education laws.

What is formal curiculum?

Formal curriculum refers to a structured set of educational content, goals, and standards set by an institution or governing body. It outlines the subjects, courses, and learning outcomes that students are expected to achieve. It provides a framework for teachers to design and deliver instruction and assessment to meet the educational objectives.

What is the possessive form of the noun teachers?

The possessive form for the plural noun teachers is teachers'.Example: The teachers' conference is scheduled for Friday.