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A normative theory prescribes how things should be or how people ought to behave, based on values and beliefs. A descriptive theory seeks to explain how things are or how people actually behave, based on observations and empirical evidence. Essentially, normative theories provide moral or prescriptive guidance, while descriptive theories provide explanatory or analytical insights.

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Q: What is the difference between a normative theory and a descriptive theory?
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What is the difference between in Normative theory and historical cost theory?

Normative theory focuses on what should be done based on ethical, moral, or societal principles, while historical cost theory values assets at their original purchase price. Normative theory considers broader implications and ethical considerations, while historical cost theory is more concerned with financial accuracy and reliability.

Compare normative deductive and inductive approaches to theory formulation which approach is more useful in theory construction?

Normative deductive approaches start with a general theory and apply it to specific cases, while inductive approaches start with observations and work towards general principles. Normative deductive approaches are more useful in theory construction as they allow for testing and refinement of theories based on observable data, whereas inductive approaches may lead to biased generalizations.

What is a descriptive theory in research methodology?

A descriptive theory in research methodology seeks to describe, summarize, and analyze data without making predictions or attempting to explain causation. It focuses on collecting and reporting information about a particular phenomenon or population. Descriptive theories help researchers organize data and provide background information for further research.

Compare normative deductive and inductive approaches to theory formulation which approach is more useful in theory construction-?

Normative deductive approach starts with a theory and uses deduction to derive hypotheses, while inductive approach starts with observations and uses induction to formulate a theory. The deductive approach is useful when researchers have a strong theoretical foundation and want to test specific hypotheses, while the inductive approach is useful when exploring new areas where little theory exists. The usefulness of each approach depends on the research question and context.

What are the difference between relevance and irrelevance theory of dividend?

The relevance theory of dividends suggests that dividends impact a firm's value, investor preferences, and information signaling. In contrast, the irrelevance theory of dividends proposes that dividend policy does not affect a firm's value because investors are indifferent between dividends and capital gains.

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Markowitz is a normative theory while CAPM is a positive theory.

What is the difference between in Normative theory and historical cost theory?

Normative theory focuses on what should be done based on ethical, moral, or societal principles, while historical cost theory values assets at their original purchase price. Normative theory considers broader implications and ethical considerations, while historical cost theory is more concerned with financial accuracy and reliability.

What is the normative theory?

what ought to be

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Normative theory provides the collection of financial information.

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Normative Theory is a theory that prescribes how a process of accounting should be done. This theory is not based on observation and may suggest radical changes to current practices in accounting

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