A scholar is a person who has become a specialist in a particular branch of study, typically the humanities, and is a distinguished academic. Alternatively, a scholar is a person who is highly educated, or has an aptitude for study.
One who learns; a scholar.
No, George W. Bush was not a Rhodes Scholar. He attended Yale University and Harvard Business School, but he did not receive a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to study at the University of Oxford.
The first Rhodes Scholar to become president was Bill Clinton. He was awarded the Rhodes Scholarship to study at the University of Oxford in 1968 and went on to serve as the 42nd president of the United States from 1993 to 2001.
A Rhodes Scholar is an international scholarship program established at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. It allows exceptional students from around the world to study at Oxford University. Recipients are selected based on their academic achievement, leadership qualities, and commitment to making a positive impact in the world.
A Greek Scholar was a person (usually male) who studied a particular subject and made interesting discoveries.i.e. Pythagoras
A scholar is a person who has a deep understanding or expertise in a particular field of study, often through advanced education or research. Scholars are typically recognized for their contributions to academic knowledge and may engage in teaching, writing, or speaking about their area of expertise.
You need to answer this question question because we don’t do homework and your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson.
The antonym for scholar is layperson or nonacademic.
there are many classes for scholars. that girl is a scholar. anyone that is a scholar is smart. i am a scholar.
The Scholar was created in 2005.
Simply a Biblical Scholar.
The abbreviation for scholar is "schol."
The American Scholar was created in 1837.
The Scholar Gipsy was created in 1853.
Irving Scholar was born in 1948.
Tom Scholar was born in 1968.