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With classical conditioning, the conditional stimulus is presented before the unconditional stimulus to form a conditioned response. For example, training a dog to return when a whistle is blown.

With operant conditioning, reinforcement is presented after the response. For example, rewards (positive reinforcement) are given for good behaviour. Punishment (negative reinforcement) for bad.

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Classical conditioning was discovered accidentally by Pavlov.

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5mo ago

Operant conditioning involves learning through consequences (rewards or punishments) for behaviors, while classical conditioning involves learning through associations between two stimuli. In operant conditioning, the focus is on the behavior itself and its consequences, while in classical conditioning, the focus is on involuntary responses to stimuli.

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Compare and contrast operant and classical conditioning?

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D. Conditioned reflexive behavior. Ivan Pavlov is best known for his work on classical conditioning, particularly for demonstrating how dogs can learn to associate a neutral stimulus (like a bell) with a reflexive response (like salivating).

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