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The Greek god of education is Athena. She is also known as the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.

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How greek roman education is relevance to the nigeria education?

Greek and Roman education systems focused on literacy, critical thinking, and physical fitness, which are all important aspects of a well-rounded education. These principles can be applicable to Nigeria's education system by emphasizing the importance of a broad-based curriculum that promotes not only academic knowledge but also physical and mental development. Incorporating elements of Greek and Roman education can help enhance the holistic development of students in Nigeria.

How did puritans promote education?

Puritans promoted education by emphasizing the importance of reading the Bible, establishing schools for their communities, and setting up institutions like Harvard College to train ministers. They believed that education was essential for individuals to understand God's word and lead moral lives.

Five contribution of Roman education to modern education?

The most obvious contributions of Ancient Greece to modern education would be from the Classical Period, and most especially influential in philosophy and rhetoric. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Isocrates are famous examples of philosophical teachers who helped to shape the future of education.

What essential part of Greek education required students to study arithmetic geometry music and astronomy?

The essential part of Greek education that required students to study arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy was known as the Quadrivium. This curriculum focused on developing a well-rounded education in mathematical and scientific disciplines essential for a comprehensive understanding of the world.

What was the education like during the Renaissance Period?

Education during the Renaissance period was primarily focused on classical subjects like Latin, Greek, philosophy, and rhetoric. It was characterized by a revival of interest in learning, literature, and the arts, with emphasis on humanism and individualism. Education was often reserved for the wealthy elite, particularly men, while women had limited access to formal education.