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Curriculum that is centered around one single subject; normally it will be because it is a curriculum that needs to be focuses on the single subject.

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Rae Beahan

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2y ago
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A subject-centered curriculum focuses on the content or subject matter being taught, with an emphasis on mastering key concepts and knowledge within that subject area. This approach may involve organizing learning experiences around specific subjects or disciplines, such as math, science, or literature. The goal is for students to develop a deep understanding of the content and skills associated with that subject.

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Q: What is subject -centered curriculum?
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What are the approaches to curriculum design?

The main approaches to curriculum design are subject-centered, student-centered, and problem-centered. In subject-centered design, the curriculum focuses on specific subject areas or disciplines. In student-centered design, the curriculum is tailored to meet the needs and interests of individual students. In problem-centered design, the curriculum is structured around real-world problems or issues that students will need to solve.

What is single subject or subjected curriculum?

A single subject or subject-centered curriculum focuses on teaching one subject at a time, often in isolation from other subjects. This approach allows for in-depth exploration and mastery of a specific topic, but may lack integration with other areas of study.

What is subject based curriculum?

Subject-based curriculum focuses on organizing learning content around specific subjects or topics, such as math, science, or history. This approach emphasizes deepening understanding within each subject area and often follows a structured sequence of topics to build upon prior knowledge. It is a traditional method of organizing educational content in schools.

What is differences between traditional curriculum and progressive curriculum?

Traditional curriculum focuses on teaching subject-specific content in a structured manner, while progressive curriculum emphasizes hands-on learning, critical thinking, and student-centered approaches. Traditional curriculum tends to be teacher-led with a focus on textbooks and exams, whereas progressive curriculum values real-world application, creativity, and holistic development of students' skills and abilities.

What are the similarities and differences of the previous curriculum and the current curriculum in terms of lesson plan making?

The previous curriculum focused more on content delivery and memorization, while the current curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and real-world application. Lesson plans in the previous curriculum were often teacher-centered, while in the current curriculum, there is a shift towards student-centered and inquiry-based approaches. Additionally, the current curriculum encourages the integration of technology and diverse learning resources in lesson planning, compared to the more traditional methods used in the previous curriculum.

Related questions

What is a subject centered curriculum?

Curriculum that is centered around one single subject; normally it will be because it is a curriculum that needs to be focuses on the single subject.

What does subject centered mean?

Subject centered curriculum is curriculum that is centered around a single subject, and each subject is taught in its own block of time. In some circles, this type of curriculum is considered archaic in favor of multi-subject curriculum, in which curriculum encompasses interweaving multiple subjects.

What are the approaches to curriculum design?

The main approaches to curriculum design are subject-centered, student-centered, and problem-centered. In subject-centered design, the curriculum focuses on specific subject areas or disciplines. In student-centered design, the curriculum is tailored to meet the needs and interests of individual students. In problem-centered design, the curriculum is structured around real-world problems or issues that students will need to solve.

What are approaches to curriculum design?

There are a few different types of approaches to curriculum design. These approaches are subject-centered, problem-centered, and learner or child-centered.

What are the characteristics of subject centered curriculum?

The main characteristics of subject centered curriculum is that it focuses on a single theme. All the courses and topics that are taught are directed to one particular subject.

What is the difference between curriculum planning and curriculum development?

curriculum is student centered while curriculum planning is teacher centered.

What is Subject-Centered Design Model?

Subject centered design model is widely used in the United States. It focuses on the content of the curriculum. The sequence of the lessons follows the logic of the subject matter.

What is single subject or subjected curriculum?

A single subject or subject-centered curriculum focuses on teaching one subject at a time, often in isolation from other subjects. This approach allows for in-depth exploration and mastery of a specific topic, but may lack integration with other areas of study.

What is subject based curriculum?

Subject-based curriculum focuses on organizing learning content around specific subjects or topics, such as math, science, or history. This approach emphasizes deepening understanding within each subject area and often follows a structured sequence of topics to build upon prior knowledge. It is a traditional method of organizing educational content in schools.

What is activity curriculum?

ahmm for me its centered in the activity of the students where the teacher is graded

What is subject centered design model?

In the education system a subject-centered approach means that you will only take modules around your core subject and not take modules in other subjects. It can also refer to less rounded educational systems where the focus is on core subjects as apposed to social skills / life skills etc

What is the contribution of William harris to subject centered curriculum?

William Harris emphasized the importance of structuring the curriculum around subjects or disciplines to ensure students develop deep understanding and critical thinking skills. He believed subject-centered curriculums provide a strong foundation for learning and help students make connections between different concepts within a discipline. Harris' approach focuses on mastery of content knowledge and the development of key skills within specific subject areas.