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Operant conditioning is a type of conditioning where we learn something because it is immediately followed by a pleasant effect. That pleasant effect is sometimes a direct reward. For example, an animal might learn to press a lever to avoid getting shocked; or a schoolgirl might do her homework purely to avoid getting into trouble the next day.

This is my understanding of operant conditioning. Hope it helped in any way.

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2mo ago

Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which behaviors are strengthened or weakened through consequences. It involves rewards and punishments to shape behavior. This approach was developed by psychologist B.F. Skinner.

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11y ago

Operant conditioning is a term used in the psychological arts. Operant conditioning is a promise of reward or praise for completing a task resulting in a decrease or increase in behaviour.

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Q: What is operant conditioning approach?
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What is another name for Operant Conditioning?

Another name for Operant Conditioning is instrumental conditioning.

What are the key elements in operant conditioning?

Key elements in operant conditioning include reinforcement (positive or negative) and punishment, shaping behavior through reinforcement schedules, and the concept of extinction when the learned behavior is no longer reinforced. Additionally, operant conditioning involves the principles of stimulus control, generalization, and discrimination.

What is the best way to differentiate operant conditioning from classical conditioning?

Operant conditioning involves learning through consequences (rewards or punishments) for behaviors, while classical conditioning involves learning through associations between two stimuli. In operant conditioning, the focus is on the behavior itself and its consequences, while in classical conditioning, the focus is on involuntary responses to stimuli.

Suppose you're using an operant conditioning approach to teach someone how to use a bow and arrow. this operant conditioning approach is called?

The operant conditioning approach commonly used to teach someone how to use a bow and arrow is called shaping. Shaping involves reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior, breaking down the skill into smaller steps and rewarding each step as the individual progresses toward the final behavior of accurately using the bow and arrow.

Why classical conditioning is called classical?

Classical conditioning is called classical to distinguish it from another form of conditioning known as operant conditioning. The term "classical" was used by Ivan Pavlov, the psychologist who discovered this type of learning, to highlight the historical significance of this form of conditioning in psychology.

Related questions

What is behaviorist approach?

Behaviorists focus on observable behavior rather than mental functioning. Three type of learning that influenced this approach are: classical conditioning, operant conditioning and modeling.

What is the behaviorist approach?

Behaviorists focus on observable behavior rather than mental functioning. Three type of learning that influenced this approach are: classical conditioning, operant conditioning and modeling.

What is another name for Operant Conditioning?

Another name for Operant Conditioning is instrumental conditioning.

Is involuntary and voluntary a classical or operant conditioning?

Involuntary conditioning is associated with classical conditioning, while voluntary conditioning is associated with operant conditioning. Classical conditioning involves learning by association between stimuli, while operant conditioning involves learning by reinforcement or punishment of behaviors.

Can addictions be developed through operant conditioning?

Yes! phobias are developed through classical conditioning and addictions through operant conditioning.

What has the author Wendon W Henton written?

Wendon W. Henton has written: 'Classical conditioning and operant conditioning' -- subject(s): Conditioned response, Operant conditioning

What has the author George Stanley Reynolds written?

George Stanley Reynolds has written: 'A primer of operant conditioning' -- subject(s): Operant conditioning

What scientist is most associated with operant conditioning?

I believe it is Pavlov ^^ Close, but Pavlov is better associated with classical conditioning while I believe B.F. Skinner is most associated with operant conditioning.

What does operations do?

Operant conditioning is a term used in the psychological arts. Operant conditioning is a promise of reward or praise for completing a task resulting in a decrease or increase in behaviour.

How operant conditioning can be applied in education?

One of the many uses of operant conditioning is in an educational setting. Operant conditioning involves punishment or reward (be it positive or negative) that encourage or discourage an activity. Operant conditioning might be used to reward children for good work, making them more likely to do this work in future. It can also be used to punish misbehaving children, making them less likely to misbehave in future.

Both classical and operant conditioning are forms of?

Both classical and operant conditioning are forms of associative learning, where behavior is influenced through the process of forming associations between stimuli and responses. In classical conditioning, the association is between two stimuli, while in operant conditioning, the association is between a behavior and its consequence.

What is acquisition in operant conditioning?

It's how rapidly an animal can be trained to a new operant behavior as a function of reinforcement.