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Curriculum goals are specific objectives or outcomes that educators aim to achieve through their teaching practices and lessons. These goals serve as a roadmap for designing instructional activities, assessments, and educational materials to ensure that students acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and understandings outlined in the curriculum.

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Q: What is curriculum goals?
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Why is Curriculum implementation is influenced by the educational goals set by the government?

Curriculum implementation is influenced by governmental educational goals because the government determines what knowledge and skills are deemed essential for its citizens to succeed. The curriculum is designed to align with these goals to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary competencies. Moreover, government funding and policies often dictate the content and structure of the curriculum.

What are the objectives goals and mission of curriculum?

The objectives of a curriculum outline the specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students are expected to achieve. Goals are broad statements that describe the overarching purpose of the curriculum. The mission of a curriculum typically centers on guiding principles that drive its development and implementation, often reflecting the values and beliefs of the educational institution or system.

What is operational curriculum definition?

Operational curriculum refers to the day-to-day implementation of the curriculum in a classroom or educational setting. It involves the actual teaching and learning activities that take place based on the defined curriculum goals and objectives. It focuses on translating the curriculum content into tangible experiences for students.

What is the meaning of overt curriculum?

The overt curriculum refers to the official or formal curriculum that is explicitly defined by an educational institution. It includes the stated goals, objectives, content, and assessments that are planned and documented in the curriculum. It is what is intended to be taught and learned within a specific educational program.

Who plans an intended curriculum?

Educators, curriculum developers, instructional designers, and school administrators typically collaborate to plan an intended curriculum. This involves determining the learning goals, content, instructional methods, and assessments for a particular course or educational program.

Related questions

Why is Curriculum implementation is influenced by the educational goals set by the government?

Curriculum implementation is influenced by governmental educational goals because the government determines what knowledge and skills are deemed essential for its citizens to succeed. The curriculum is designed to align with these goals to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary competencies. Moreover, government funding and policies often dictate the content and structure of the curriculum.

What is achieved curriculum?

Achieved curriculum is the outcome of the set coursework. Field trips, hands on activities, and class work are all curriculum that sets goals.

What are the dimensions of curriculum development?

Dimensions of curriculum development includes planning units for each curriculum. Lessons for each unit are based on goals and objectives.

What are the objectives goals and mission of curriculum?

The objectives of a curriculum outline the specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students are expected to achieve. Goals are broad statements that describe the overarching purpose of the curriculum. The mission of a curriculum typically centers on guiding principles that drive its development and implementation, often reflecting the values and beliefs of the educational institution or system.

How do you establish goals to include celebrations in the curriculum?

To establish goals to include celebrations in the curriculum, you first have to decide what celebrations to include in the curriculum. Next, decide what you want the children to learn about the celebrations and/or through learning about the celebration. Write it down. You may also write down how you can relate them to the established curriculum. After that, write 2-4 specific goals down and how the goals will be measured. Next, write down the specific lessons and activities you will use to meet each goal. (Make your lesson plans.)

What are the dimensions of development?

Dimensions of curriculum development includes planning units for each curriculum. Lessons for each unit are based on goals and objectives.

What is operational curriculum definition?

Operational curriculum refers to the day-to-day implementation of the curriculum in a classroom or educational setting. It involves the actual teaching and learning activities that take place based on the defined curriculum goals and objectives. It focuses on translating the curriculum content into tangible experiences for students.

What word best describes the priority of curriculum goals for students with mental retardation?


What is the meaning of overt curriculum?

The overt curriculum refers to the official or formal curriculum that is explicitly defined by an educational institution. It includes the stated goals, objectives, content, and assessments that are planned and documented in the curriculum. It is what is intended to be taught and learned within a specific educational program.

What is curriculum adaptation?

Curriculum adaptation involves modifying or adjusting the content, delivery, or assessment methods of a curriculum to better meet the specific needs and goals of the students or situation. It allows educators to make the curriculum more accessible, relevant, and effective for diverse learners.

What is curriculum for the high school teacher?

A curriculum for an elementary grade teacher is the plan of teaching for a term. This curriculum is set up by the school system to be followed for a specific goal of learning.

Who plans an intended curriculum?

Educators, curriculum developers, instructional designers, and school administrators typically collaborate to plan an intended curriculum. This involves determining the learning goals, content, instructional methods, and assessments for a particular course or educational program.