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"Teology" is likely a misspelling of "theology," which is the study of the nature of the divine, religious beliefs, and the practice of religion. Theology often involves exploring philosophical questions about the existence and nature of God, as well as examining religious texts and traditions.

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Q: What is a Teology?
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What is 1x0?

1x0=1 The physical grounds of mathematics Math is the common language in our Universe. We can explain and give value to everything with it. The mathematical system is solid. Its laws works on every component and in any circumstances. The system is 1. It contains space, time, energie, matter, information, intelligence, life, love, good will, Me, You, He/She.....everything. I can explain the system easiest if I determine the smallest component of it which is 0. In reality 0 is an energie, matter, space, time, information less nothing. Every component of the system is bigger then 0. Like this 0 means the same in math, physics, biology, teology. If I know the value of 0 I can give value to all the components in the system. The mathematical equations ALWAYS gives an accurat result. 0+0=0 0x0=0 0-0=0 0/0=0 1+0=1 1x0=1 1-0=1 1/0=1 2+0=2 2x0=2 2-0=2 2/0=2 Adding and extraction are the basic operation. Multiplaying and dividing is abstract manipulations. In reality it would look like: 1+0,1=1,1 1x0,1=1,1 1-0,1=0,9 1/0,1=10 Adding gives the common value of the components Multiplaying is a basic adding (a possitive operation!!!). With adding we determine how many times we add the original value to the original value. Subtraction: Show how much we have left after we subtract the given value. Dividing: shows how many times the divider is part of the dividend. You can not create lower value then 0. Negative value exist but it is relative in the system. Negative numbers exist in the abstract mathematics but related 0 everything is positive.