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Sounds like you are describing "Montessori"

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The curriculum based on the idea that children are active learners who construct their own knowledge from meaningful experiences is called constructivism. This approach to education is developed according to the theories of psychologists like Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, who emphasized the importance of children's active involvement in learning and understanding concepts through interaction with their environment.

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Q: What curriculum is based on the idea that children are active learners who construct their own knowledge from meaningful experiences and was developed according to the theories of?
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How do the principles and theories of curriculum development expressed or spelled out in the curriculum of the class?

The principles and theories of curriculum development are typically outlined in the course syllabus. This document will detail the learning objectives, instructional methods, assessment strategies, and overall organization of the course curriculum. Additionally, references to specific educational theories or principles may be integrated within the content of the course itself.

How does philosophy influence curriculum development?

Philosophy probably has more influence on curriculum access than development. As learning and teaching theories are developed and education as a whole changes, the way the curriculum is understood and taught and therefore learned changes.

What is reading according to john piaget?

According to Jean Piaget, reading involves a cognitive process where individuals construct meaning through interaction with the text. Piaget believed that reading comprehension develops as a result of assimilation and accommodation of new information into existing cognitive structures. He emphasized that reading is a complex activity that requires understanding and interpreting text based on one's prior knowledge and experiences.

What is the validity of a test?

The validity of a test refers to the extent to which it measures what it intends to measure. It assesses if a test is actually capturing the construct or concept it is designed to measure. Validity is essential to ensure that test scores are meaningful and can be generalized to the intended population.

Which developmental theory explains children behavior in relation to development of thought?

Piaget's theory of cognitive development explains how children's behavior is influenced by the development of their thoughts and mental processes. According to Piaget, children progress through distinct stages of cognitive growth, each characterized by different ways of thinking and understanding the world. This theory emphasizes that children actively construct their understanding of the world through interactions and experiences.

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How do the principles and theories of curriculum development expressed or spelled out in the curriculum of the class?

The principles and theories of curriculum development are typically outlined in the course syllabus. This document will detail the learning objectives, instructional methods, assessment strategies, and overall organization of the course curriculum. Additionally, references to specific educational theories or principles may be integrated within the content of the course itself.

How does philosophy influence curriculum development?

Philosophy probably has more influence on curriculum access than development. As learning and teaching theories are developed and education as a whole changes, the way the curriculum is understood and taught and therefore learned changes.

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Which branch of philosophy emphasises the restructuring of experiences?

Phenomenology is the branch of philosophy that emphasizes the restructuring of experiences by examining how we construct meaning and interpret the world around us through our subjective consciousness. Key thinkers in this field include Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger.

What is the constructionist theory?

Simply put the Constructionist Theory argues that humans construct knowledge and meaning from their experiences. This is a very simplified answer, please see the link for lots more information.

What is reading according to john piaget?

According to Jean Piaget, reading involves a cognitive process where individuals construct meaning through interaction with the text. Piaget believed that reading comprehension develops as a result of assimilation and accommodation of new information into existing cognitive structures. He emphasized that reading is a complex activity that requires understanding and interpreting text based on one's prior knowledge and experiences.

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How does this relate on child's knowledge and of facilitating learning?

Providing children with opportunities to explore, manipulate, and engage with different materials and concepts can enhance their knowledge and facilitate learning. Encouraging hands-on experiences, asking open-ended questions, and incorporating play can help children make meaningful connections and deepen their understanding of various topics. By creating an environment that is stimulating and supportive, educators and caregivers can empower children to actively construct their own knowledge.

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he relationship between different organisns according to what they eat.