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Low academic performance can be due to factors such as lack of motivation, inadequate study habits, learning disabilities, or distractions outside of school. Poor discipline may stem from a lack of structure or consistency at home, negative peer influences, or underlying emotional or behavioral issues that are not being addressed. Collaboration between teachers, parents, and students to identify and address these factors is key to improving academic performance and discipline.

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Q: What are the reasons for low accadamic performance and poor discipline?
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Indiscipline is responsible for the poor performance of student in examination?

Indiscipline can lead to poor performance in exams because it can result in lack of focus, missed study opportunities, and overall disorganization in studying routines. A structured and disciplined approach to studying is essential for effective learning and academic success.

What are the causes of poor academic performance of high school students?

Lazy students,school teachers that don't care or they do not have the proper resources,parents who don't value education, lack of funds(money) provided by the state. The possibilities are endless!!

Do sports affect the academic performance of a student?

Engaging in sports can have a positive impact on academic performance by promoting physical well-being, discipline, time management skills, and teamwork. Regular physical activity can also improve cognitive function and mental health, which can contribute to better academic outcomes. However, excessive focus on sports at the expense of academics or poor time management can have a negative impact on a student's academic performance.

In what way did classroom management and discipline effect the teaching and learning process?

Effective classroom management and discipline create a positive and structured learning environment, allowing students to focus on their academic work without distractions. It helps establish clear expectations and boundaries, leading to increased student engagement and academic achievement. Conversely, poor classroom management and discipline can disrupt the learning process, making it challenging for students to concentrate and for teachers to deliver their lessons effectively.

How does lack of diligence affect academic performance?

Lack of diligence can lead to poor time management, procrastination, and incomplete work which can result in lower grades. Students may struggle to stay organized, meet deadlines, and retain information, thus negatively impacting their academic performance.

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Sociologists have many theories as to what they believe cause poor academic performance in classrooms. One of the most highly believed reasons behind poor academic performance in students is distractions in daily life which result in the student not attending their class.

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They do not get time for practice. As these days, we see, Indian sports persons are busy with shootings of ads,etc. They need more practice.

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According to research, poor academic performance can often lead to poverty. Poverty then affects academic performance, and unfortunately, the cycle continues.

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It is not true that everybody passes the 6th grade. There are several reasons a student may fail or be held back, such as poor academic performance.

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This is a case where you should be honest. Rate the person as your best judgment sees fit. Give the reasons why you assigned the numbers that you did.

What is the definition of poor performance?

how do i kno? i am the one who needs the answe,r so YOU answer it for me THANK YOU and sorry:(

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