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In the context of Biology, the advantage of evolutionary theory is that it explains the patterns we find in the diversity of life. Being able to explain these patterns also allows us to predict future patterns with some confidence, which in turn may be useful in such fields as agriculture, public health, medicine.

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2mo ago

The evolutionary model allows for gradual changes in species over time, enabling organisms to adapt to their environments. It provides a framework for understanding the diversity of life on Earth and how species are related through common ancestry. Additionally, the evolutionary model has practical applications in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and conservation.

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What is the evolutionary model?

The evolutionary model proposes that species evolve over time through a process of natural selection, where organisms best adapted to their environment survive and reproduce. This leads to changes in the genetic makeup of populations over generations, resulting in the diversity of life we observe today.

What is the basic difference between iterative enhancement model and evolutionary development model?

The Iterative Enhancement Model is an approach to building software in which the overall lifecycle is compose of several iterations in sequence. The Evolutionary Enhancement Model is designed to be allowed to evolve in response to the customers' feedback.

What is evolutionary theory A plus LS?

Evolutionary theory combines aspects of biology and natural selection to explain how organisms have evolved over time, based on genetic variations that provide advantages for survival and reproduction. Adaptations and changes in species occur through the process of natural selection, which leads to the gradual development of new traits and the diversity of life on Earth.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Tyler model of curriculum development?


What is the theory of punctuated equalibrium?

Punctuated equilibrium is a theory in evolutionary biology that suggests species evolve rapidly in short bursts followed by long periods of stasis. This model contrasts with gradualism, which proposes a slower, constant rate of evolutionary change over time. Punctuated equilibrium helps explain the presence of gaps in the fossil record and sudden appearances of new species.

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General Software Process Models are 1. Waterfall model: Separate and distinct phases of specification and development. 2. Prototype model. 3. Rapid application development model (RAD). 4. Evolutionary development: Specification, development and validation are interleaved. 5. Incremental model. 6. Iterative model. 7. Spiral model. 8. Component-based software engineering

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