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In a privatised education system, child enrollment would be wrestled over in a capitol market. The results of the children's educational value would be expressed in a dollar amount. The enterprises will in turn reward the teachers aggressively to out perform their competitors in order to maintain their position in their market. Yielding a better product. The child.

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Some potential advantages of a privatized education system include increased competition leading to improved quality of education, more diverse options for students to choose from, and potentially more efficient use of resources through market-driven mechanisms.

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What is an education system?

An education system is a structured system that guides the delivery of education to learners, including curricula, teaching methods, assessment practices, and resources. It encompasses schools, universities, and other institutions where formal education is provided to individuals. The goal of an education system is to equip students with knowledge, skills, and values to prepare them for future success.

Education system in china?

it is a school

What does national system of education mean?

A national system of education refers to a centralized set of policies and standards established by a government to regulate the education system nationwide. It typically includes curriculum guidelines, teacher certification requirements, and educational infrastructure development to ensure consistency and quality of education across the country.

Basic trends for development of system approach in education?

The development of a system approach in education includes the focus on interconnected components within the educational system, such as curriculum, assessment, and teacher professional development. It emphasizes viewing education as a complex system with interdependent parts that work together to achieve common goals. The integration of technology and data-driven decision-making are also key trends in advancing a system approach in education.

How was the Buddhist System of education distinct from the Vedic System?

The Buddhist system of education focused on personal experience and understanding through introspection and meditation, while the Vedic system emphasized memorization, recitation, and rituals. Buddhist education also promoted questioning and challenging of teachings, whereas the Vedic system largely followed traditional texts and practices without much room for questioning.

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No, public sector should not be privatised because it was owned by the people.

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[object Object]

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Credit system helps to keep everything uniform. It does not always show the full potential of each student if they do not fit in with the scoring system.

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yes it should