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yes to make sure there not on drugs or anything. if there gonna be professional they have to be clean and healthy

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2mo ago

Yes, professional athletes should be subject to drug tests to ensure fair competition and maintain the integrity of their sport. Testing helps deter the use of performance-enhancing substances and protects the health and safety of the athletes.

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Q: Should professional athletes have to take drug tests?
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What kind of test you can not study for?

A test of one's intuition or spontaneous reaction cannot be studied for, as these typically rely on a person's natural abilities or instincts rather than acquired knowledge or preparation.

Should school students face mandatory drug-test?

Implementing mandatory drug testing for school students can be a controversial and complex issue. It may be beneficial in addressing drug use and promoting a drug-free environment in schools. However, it can also have negative consequences such as breaching privacy, creating distrust, and stigmatizing students who may need help and support. It's important to weigh the potential benefits against the ethical and practical concerns before implementing such a policy.

How is a cumilative effest defined?

A cumulative effect is when something increases in intensity or significance as occurrences accumulate over time. In the context of a cumulative effect of a drug, for example, it refers to the increased impact of the drug on the body as each dose is taken.

What can the acronym PED possibly stand for?

The acronym "PED" is known to stand for a wide variety of things. For example, it is commonly used to stand for performance enhancing drug, personal electronic device, and primary electrical disease.

What are the basics of clinical research?

Clinical research involves conducting studies with human participants to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new treatments, drugs, or medical devices. It follows a structured protocol to ensure scientific rigor and ethical considerations. Researchers collect data, analyze results, and draw conclusions to contribute to medical knowledge and potentially improve patient care.

Related questions

Is this sentence correct Some athletes have took drug tests to prove they are not on steroids?

It should be: 'Some athletes took drug tests to proove they were not on steroids'

Some athletes have took drug tests to prove they are not on steroids?

Some athletes have taken drug tests to prove they are not on steroids.

Do they have drug tests in the Olympics?

Yes. All Olympic athletes are drug tested.

Which is correct some athletes have taken drug tests to prove they are not on steroids or some athletes have took drugs tests to prove they are not on steroids?

"have taken" is correct

Do job drug testing test for steroids?

No a drug test, tests for all kinds of drugs that may be in your blood system.

How did athletes get tested for taking drugs in 1970?

There were no practical mass drug tests in 1970, and little or no testing of athletes.

Why do pro sports teams make players take urine drug tests?

Professional sports team force players to take urine drug tests to avoid cheating by using performance enhancing drugs. Steroid use is a common problem among pro athletes in competitive sports.

In the sentence. Some athletes have taken or has took drugs tests to prove they are not on steroids. Which is correct?

The first is almost correct. It should be, "Some athletes have taken drug tests to prove they are not on steroids." That is, "have taken" is the correct form, but it should also be "drug tests" rather than "drugs tests". "Have taken" is the correct form because "have" is the plural form, and "athletes" is plural. The singular form is "has taken", so it would be correct to say "One athlete has taken drug tests to prove he is not on steroids." Always use the past participle "taken" and not the simple past tense "took" in forms that use a form of the auxiliary verb "have": have taken, had taken, has taken, would have taken, and so on.

Should high school athletes have to take drug tests?

I'm guessing you are asking for an opinion as you said "should" and not "do" and i think yes they should do as someone could have taken a drug to make them run faster or give them for stamina something like that and if they didn't then who knows what drugs they could take to win.

What is a five paragraph essay on why athletes have to take drug tests?

Find the info by using research, not copying what we have to say down on YOUR essay.

Will androgel show up on drug test?

It will show up on the drug tests done on athletes looking for performance enhancing drugs. It will not show up on "drugs of abuse" screens.

What do athletes do with scheduled drug tests?

Stay clean for the few days they need to or Pay off the doctor or purchase rapid detox kits