There could be plenty depending on the choice of words, the ill-chosen ones are sure to land you in trouble resulting in the much unwanted misunderstandings.
A saying goes like this: "Half knowledge is dangerous." Sure it is, but not when you are communicating with peers, but when with professionals and experts in the relative field, you need to do a little bit of homework with your questions and revise what you have to say in order to give them a warm feeling of being understood and a subject of keen interest.
The negativity would also comprise the following:
1. the danger of being a wordsmith with only words and no actions to follow-up. The best thing would be to let your actions speak with a few humble words to support your intentions
2. the more you communicate, you speak about your knowledge derived on the subject. So you better be well read! :)
3. you might unknowingly be contradicting the statements coming from well-known people. so keep a check on your words!
4. there are more chances of you facing arguments and judged and also being perceived as judgemental
5. apart from giving you attention, it might also bring about negative criticism
but if you believe in what you say, and are not being sarcastic on people present around, go ahead! speak it up
communication, also includes the non-verbal side of it, which is most likely a one-way communication through letters and emails. When it is a one-way communication that you are practising, be precise or your message is in danger of being interpreted wrongly.
Technology can lead to distractions and decrease face-to-face interactions, impacting the quality of communication. It can also contribute to misunderstandings or misinterpretations due to lack of nonverbal cues commonly found in in-person conversations. Over-reliance on screens for communication can impede the development of strong interpersonal skills and the ability to effectively convey emotions.
"The Impact of Technology on Modern Communication"
Peer groups can have negative effects such as peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors, influence to conform to negative attitudes and values, and potential for exclusion and bullying. Negative peer groups can also hinder personal growth and development by discouraging individuality and promoting harmful behaviors.
The number 1 negative effect is that people are not doing their own work anymore. Today more and more students are relying on the web to do the work for them. This can range from copying and pasting (plagiarism) to paying a web site to write a paper for them. Studies have also shown net-based readers (people who do the majority of their reading on-line) are less able to determine what is and is not a valid source and are less skilled in critical reading and thinking. Some science and technology are harmful to the earth--example pollution by artificial toxic chemicals, atomic bombs, "development" that threatens extinction for many species, sonar that kills dolphins--the list goes on. Responsible scientists and technologists can work to remedy the negative effects!
Technology is an addiction. One that is long termed and as catastrophic as any other. Technology is what distinguishes the 21st century from its predecessors. It can be very appealing and destroy our life because the amount of time an addicted teen will spend on sites like twitter and Facebook is a massive problem and poses a potential threat to their future. At a vital age, it can influence the minds of the youth greatly. When teenagers should be outside and expanding their knowledge they are inside and victims of the phenomenal addiction of the 21st century: Technology.
Technology for the most part on youth has been great; the thing is that today's kids have become dependent on their electronics. This is a bad thing in most cases.
Negative effects of communication technology can include decreased face-to-face communication, lack of privacy and data security, increased isolation and dependence on technology, and the spread of misinformation or fake news.
It makes the communication easier.
Speaker technology has positive impacts such as enhancing entertainment experiences and improving communication. However, it can also have negative effects like privacy concerns and potential hearing damage from excessive volume.
positif and negatif effects of technologie
no more answer
positive effect of transport
positive affect...for about phones and e-mail,communication has evolved so much because of technology.
You cannot read the persons emotions
ative effects of high level technology in family life
they are all positive. less work
Answer this question…Some technologies like vertical farming have a number of negative effects. Which is a negative result of this technology?