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"Google answer"? If you know what a google search is, why did you ask one of us to do it for you? It took longer for you to come here and type out your answer, choose a category, and enter your question! You could have just gone to google yourself and gotten the answer. It's not like the internet has distances and google was just too far away for you!

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Pavlov's classical conditioning theory states that learning occurs through association between a neutral stimulus (like a bell) and an unconditioned stimulus (like food), leading to a conditioned response. An example is when a dog learns to salivate at the sound of a bell because it has been repeatedly paired with receiving food, even if no food is present.

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What is curriculum actual?

"Curriculum is a standards-based sequence of planned experiences where students practice and achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills." - Google

Were the wright brothers homeschooled?

No, the Wright brothers were not homeschooled. They attended traditional schools up to high school before pursuing self-directed learning and independent study to further their interest in aviation.

Why is Google considered part of the media industry?

Google is considered part of the media industry because it owns various platforms like Google News, YouTube, and Google Ads that are used for content distribution, advertising, and news dissemination. Additionally, Google's search engine plays a significant role in shaping how information is accessed and consumed by the public, making it a key player in the media landscape.

What are the concepts of a lifelong learning?

-Education is a Bi-polar process (two poles)-it deals with teacher and taught relationship.-Education is a Tri-polar process (three poles)by Dewey - it deals with educator, educand ,and society-Education is process ,each process has a product .in order to fullfill a process we need the following;-intellectinterestabilityfocusexperiencethen, we get final product made up of-educated individual.-enlightened individual.

What is presentation graphics software?

Presentation graphics software is a type of application used to create visual presentations. It typically allows users to combine text, images, charts, and other multimedia elements to effectively communicate information to an audience in a visual format. Popular examples of presentation graphics software include Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple Keynote.

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its nature learning go to google mhauhahahahahahaha

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Search it on Google

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J'apprend à parler français avec Google

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Google maps will tell you.

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Google translate

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What Google and Yahoo are examples of?

Internet search engines.

Examples of smart materials?

the answer to t his question it :)

What are the 5 examples of search engineer?

Google, Yahoo, bing, ask

When will Google maps update Pennsylvania?

Google Inc. Usually updates its digital maps yearly, including Google Earth and Google Maps.