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The semi-strong form of the efficient market hypothesis states that all publicly available information is reflected in stock prices, while the strong form goes further to suggest that all information, including insider information, is already priced in. In essence, the strong form includes all information available, whether public or private, whereas the semi-strong form considers only publicly available information.

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Q: How is semi strong form of the efficient market hypothesis differ from the strong form?
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What if the efficient market hypothesis is interpreted in a weak form a semistrong form and a strong form How can you differentiate its various forms?

The weak form of the efficient market hypothesis states that all past price information is already reflected in current stock prices. The semi-strong form includes all public information, and the strong form incorporates both public and private information. The key difference lies in the type of information considered in each form, with the strong form being the most restrictive as it includes all information, making it virtually impossible to profit consistently from trading.

What does the statement ''there is nothing so practical as a good theory?

This statement emphasizes the importance of having a strong theoretical foundation to guide practical applications. A good theory provides a framework for understanding and problem-solving, allowing for more efficient and effective real-world outcomes. It suggests that practical success is often dependent on a sound theoretical framework.

What is the one word for 'strong desire to learn more'?


How did the system of education differ between Athens and Sparta?

Sparta had a warrior society and the Athens had a a democratic government. Sparta boys began training a 7 years old for a lifetime. Athenian boys attended school if their families could afford it.

What is an argument that is supported by research and strong evidence is called?

An argument that is supported by research and strong evidence is typically referred to as a well-founded argument. This type of argument relies on credible sources, data, and logical reasoning to bolster its claims and conclusions.

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What if the efficient market hypothesis is interpreted in a weak form a semistrong form and a strong form How can you differentiate its various forms?

The weak form of the efficient market hypothesis states that all past price information is already reflected in current stock prices. The semi-strong form includes all public information, and the strong form incorporates both public and private information. The key difference lies in the type of information considered in each form, with the strong form being the most restrictive as it includes all information, making it virtually impossible to profit consistently from trading.

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A hypothesis that stated that sections of active faults that have had relatively few earthquakes are likely to be the sites of strong earthquakes in the future.

What is the theory that sections of active faults that have had few earthquakes are likely to be sites of strong earthquakes in the future called?

This theory is known as the characteristic earthquake model. It proposes that sections of active faults that have not ruptured in recent history (seismic gap) are more likely to produce larger earthquakes in the future to release accumulated stress.

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Even in a strong form efficient capital market, external monitors may not have an adequate incentive to discipline managers who have succumbed to moral hazard and caused the corporation to bear an inefficient sunk cost

What characteristic must be true of a good hypothesis?

A good hypothesis should be clearly defined with no ambiguous terms. It should also have a strong possibility at being correct.

What is the relationship between a hypothesis and a theory?

The relationship between theories, concepts, and hypothesis is that a theory is a model of how concepts are related, the concepts are categorical ideas that are represented by our variables and hypothesis are predictions of how concepts are related, often deduced from a theory.

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Magnetic therapy is relatively efficient. It functions by using strong magnetic fields to reverse blood clotting, ionize the blood and increase the efficiency of the cells by exposing them to a strong magnetic field.

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A hypothesis is what you believe will happen when you do an experiment. Scientific theory is when you use the data you have received from an experiment and create an idea that best suits your results. A theory can be related back to your original hypothesis, the experiment can prove whether your hypothesis was right.