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Choose a particular work of art and look at it with the elements of design in mind. Write down all impressions as you view the art, are the lines rigid or flowing, how is texture used, etc. Then simply assemble all of your impressions into sentences and paragraphs.

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2mo ago

In a research paper discussing elements of design, describe each design element individually, such as color, shape, line, space, texture, and form. Provide examples to illustrate how each element is used in various design contexts, and analyze how these elements interact to create a holistic design experience. Conclude by discussing the significance of these elements in conveying messages or emotions in design.

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Why are parenthetical citations important in reseach papers?

Parenthetical citations are important in research papers because they provide evidence and credit to the sources of information used in the paper. They allow readers to easily locate and verify the original sources of the information presented in the paper, contributing to the credibility and integrity of the research.

When should you write a thesis for a research essay?

You should write a thesis statement at the beginning of your research essay to provide a clear focus and direction for your paper. It should outline the main argument or purpose of your research and guide the reader on what to expect in the essay.

What is the meaning of background of the study?

The background of the study provides context and justification for the research problem being investigated. It outlines the historical, theoretical, and empirical basis for the study, highlighting the gap in knowledge or understanding that the research aims to address. This section helps readers understand why the research is important and how it contributes to existing literature or practice in the field.

When should you write a thesis fit a research essay?

You should write a thesis statement for a research essay after conducting research and organizing your ideas. The thesis should be a clear, concise statement that summarizes the main point or argument of your essay. It provides direction for your writing and helps guide the reader through your paper.

What is a thesis sentence?

A thesis sentence states the main idea or argument of an essay or research paper. It usually appears near the end of the introduction and provides a roadmap for the reader to understand the purpose and direction of the paper.

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